Pros and cons of being tall


Do you suffer from knee cramps? Do you hit your head on every doorway? Do you get asked by little old ladies at Walmart to grab something off of the top shelf? If so—you must be tall.  As a tall young man myself, I have noted definite pros and cons to my stature.


Pros:  If you need something up high, you can easily grab it without even trying. When you’re in a rush to a certain class or meeting, you can take the stairs 3 steps at a time. You know that cousin that is always disobedient? Well, he/she will automatically obey you just because of your height. Every time you’re in a picture you will always be seen. When you talking to someone you will be looked up to, literally! When you go to a dance your date will always be shorter than you, even if she is wearing heels.


Cons: It’s cool to touch the ceiling, but sometimes you wish you couldn’t. You may look at a doorway saying “Yeah, I can fit”, but when you get to the doorway you end up smacking your forehead right on the trim. You have to look at the dust on the top of refrigerators and shelves that nobody cleans.When you are trying to not be seen by certain people, it is impossible. When you go to hug your significant other, they end up hugging your waist instead of your torso. When you go shopping, you can never find pants long enough. When you are in a car with your buddies and you don’t get shotgun, you are expected to be a human pretzel in the back seat. Everybody seems to ask the same questions: “How tall are you?”, “What size shoe do you wear?”, and the worst one: “How’s the weather up there?”


Now that you know the pros and cons of being a tall person, you may better feel our pain and envy our strengths. Every tall person has their own advantages and disadvantages, so just go ask your local giants for their point of view. But please, don’t ask them about the weather.