A guide to graduating at the top of your class: sarcastic advice from one who knows

As all people of average intelligence know, high school can make you or it can break you. You might think that reaching success in the high school years is self explanatory, but there are many secrets that every honor student knows. If you follow every rule on this list, you are sure to get the absolute most of your high school experience and be completely ready for whatever comes next.

1. Procrastinate

The best way to give an assignment your absolute best is to wait until last minute to even look at it. You might think that you should get an early start on important assignments like final projects or one hundred point essays, but you would be completely wrong. The best time to start these assignments is actually on the way to the class period that they are due; but if you’re a real overachiever, you can always start it in the class period before it is due. This may seem completely rude and inappropriate, but the teacher probably doesn’t have anything important planned anyway, so it’s actually a great use of time management. If you don’t quite get the assignment finished, that is totally fine! Any reasonable teacher will gladly offer you at least a two week extension, even if you have known about this assignment for months. Also, make sure that you never use the class time that teachers give you to work on your assignments. Instead, watch some cat videos on YouTube or check your Instagram feed.

2. Give minimum effort

One of the biggest secrets of honor students is that they always give minimal effort. It may seem like they put a lot of work and time into their school work, but they’re trying to trick you! They actually don’t care. Students that care about their grades tend to be stressed, and stress, not minimal effort, is proven to be what leads to most bad grades. So next time your teacher hands you a stack of notes, instead of studying them to learn valuable material, practice making the perfect paper airplane. Make sure you give them each a test flight by trying to hit the teacher or the other less intelligent students who are actually trying to pay attention.

3. Always argue with your teachers

The secret to getting in good with your teachers isn’t following instructions and meeting deadlines. Every great student knows the way to earn their respect is by questioning everything they say and do as your instructor. This clearly shows them that you are their academic equal and will allow your relationships with teachers to climb to an entirely new level. Teachers love to hear your input and want you to tell them when they’re doing something incredibly wrong. The key to getting along well with your teachers, and other people in general, is to criticize their every move.

4. Never come prepared to class

Coming prepared to class is both time effective and responsible. Those are both terrible things. Teachers and other students don’t want to be in class any more than you do. They much prefer it if you need to go to your locker at least two or three times per class period so as to waste as much instructional time as possible. The best students will ask to leave class four or more times an hour. While the other students in your class period are waiting for you to get back with the necessary materials, they aren’t learning anything and neither are you. Basically, it’s a win win situation.

5. Cheat on every homework assignment

The biggest secret that every honor student has is that they all cheat on every homework assignment. That way, when it comes time for the test, they have absolutely no way of knowing what they are doing. It adds a big element of surprise to every test and allows them to grow their improvisation skills to maximum potential. Remember, dedicated cheaters actually spend more time looking for the right answer than they would actually doing the assignment, so it’s not at all time effective.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be sure to work your way to the top in no time. Working hard and being responsible is never the way to go.