Online education becoming more popular

The Internet was invented in 1958 and has only continued to grow since. In recent years, online education has grown popular, whether it be E-Learning, online homeschooling, or online college. The Babson Survey Research groups reported that over 6.1 million people took at least one online course in the fall of 2012, which was a ten percent increase since 2011.

Many people are deterred from online education because they don’t believe it is as effective as face-to-face learning. However, there are great advantages to taking your classes online. First, you can do your classes anywhere, any time. College students who work full time jobs do not have to worry about working around their class schedule because they can do their work at any time with the comfort of their couch and sweatpants. The online atmosphere also provides a dynamic interaction between professor and student and students with other students. Online discussions can trump in person discussions because everyone can participate and interact at once without interrupting or silencing anyone. Online schooling provides a certain anonymity that levels the playing field in age, race, physical disability, and appearance.

As great as online education sounds, there are negatives as well. Internet access is obviously a defining factor for online students. A person who doesn’t have consistent access to the Internet shouldn’t consider online school. There are certain limitations that come with online school. There are professors and students who aren’t computer literate. There are programs that aren’t user friendly, and there is a certain feeling that is lost. Students don’t always feel the one-on-one connection they feel at a university.

Online education certainly isn’t for everyone. It is an interesting evolution of America’s education system, and it will only grow in popularity and style.