Cell Phones: Are we more or less connected

Most teens cannot go more than 30 seconds without checking their phone. Researchers from Kent State College found that female students spend an average of 365 minutes per day using their cell phones, sending and receiving an average of 265 texts per day, and making and receiving six calls per day. Male students spend 287 minutes on their phone, sending and receiving 190 texts, and making and receiving the same amount of calls as the female students. With social media becoming a part of everyone’s normal, everyday routine the world is more knowledgeable, more direct, and in a lot of ways, more diversified. But does constantly refreshing Instagram to keep up on the latest posts, make you more or less connected to the world around you?

Social media has significantly changed the way the world operates in our personal and professional lives. Whether we’re continually updating our status with what we’re having for dinner or promoting our business, the social media is the place to be. With the easy access to the internet, we are able to communicate with people from all over that we normally wouldn’t be able to form a relationship with. Everyone has those friends that you met over the internet who evolved into a good friend. You can even form a marriage relationship over the internet nowadays with the help of the mass selection of dating sites. There are many ways to get in touch and connect with anyone over a cell phone.

However, not all of the changes resulting from cell phones are positive. While you are  chatting with your online friends, you might be missing out on what’s going on around you at the moment. You’ll obviously read all about it on Twitter that night but is that the same as being there and attentive? Do you ever catch yourself sending texts instead of talking or sending emojis rather than expressing legitimate emotions? With technology being so common, many forget to focus on the little things that nature provides and just focus on getting the perfect picture to show off later on. Many rely on their technology to teach them things instead of making the personal connection, teacher to student. The relationship formed face-to-face is rare due to the advancement in technology.

Does having your eyes glued onto your phone screen, attempting to keep up with the Kardashians, get you more connected with people or are you missing out on the world that is swirling around you? How disconnected or connected you are depends on how you are using your cell phone. It could be an awesome way to catch up with old friends and meet new people, but it is also a great way to shut out the world. Take time to reflect on how your phone is impacting your life and strive to find new ways to use the media.