Chivalry should be dead

Every human being with functioning ears has heard the words, “Is chivalry dead?” Well, considering chivalry was actually a word used to describe a brave, honorable knight who laid his life down fighting for the weak, yes, it is dead. However, the definition of chivalry has shifted to such acts as gentlemen who pays for his date’s dinner and opens the door for her. Therefore, no, chivalry isn’t dead, but it should be.

The basic ideals associated with chivalry are outdated and inherently sexist. Opening the door, carrying bags, and paying for everything for your date implies that she is incapable of doing things for herself. Many argue that these actions are just ways of being kind and courteous, which aren’t wrong. However, these courteous actions should be a two-way street. Chivalry is sexist because it implies that women are weak and incapable, but it is even more sexist towards men. The idea of chivalry is always a man being chivalrous to his delicate woman. Yes, girls love to be treated kindly by a gentleman, but boys like to be treated, too. In the past, as in about 200 years ago, women didn’t have their own money. Women didn’t have equal opportunity to work and earn money, so it made sense that their date had to pay for them. Now, even though there is still a considerable wage gap, girls can work and make money. There is no reason that girls can’t pay for themselves or even their date from time to time. Men shouldn’t always have to be the hero there to sweep a damsel in distress off of her feet. Whether they admit it or not, boys would like to be taken care of sometimes, too.

Chivalry has also become the biggest “deal breaker” on a date. If a girl finds a gentlemen, she is supposed to swoon and melt and wait by the phone for a cute goodnight text. Yeah, everyone should expect a kind, sweet significant other, but that should not be the only factor. It’s nice that a boy offers his coat on a cold night, but it is more important that he offers respect, loyalty, and genuine kindness. He may compliment you every time you go out, but it is more important that he can make you laugh or challenge you intellectually or at least be able to carry an actual conversation with you. It’s sad that a girl will demand a chivalrous date, but not care about the aforementioned aspects. It’s even more sad that society tells girls to demand a chivalrous date, but not the aforementioned traits. Being kind and courteous are traits that should live on; but chivalry, as we know it, should be dead.