Student shout out: Virtual vs. eLearning


Virtual learning or eLearning? This is a hot topic at the moment, leaving the student body debating and questioning which is the better fit. We heard from the teachers, so now let’s hear from the students.


Alyssa Erickson

I like eLearning better because I can get all my assignments done in 2 hours at the most and use the rest of my day to work or get other things done. Virtual learning lasts longer than it should. We are only in our classes for, at most, 30 minutes and then have to wait till our next class. 







Ty Ellison

I prefer eLearning because virtual learning is a waste of time. I spend all day sitting around just to check in for attendance. The work is the exact same, but now instead of finishing it in a few hours I have to sit at a computer all day.






Justin Scowden 

Elearning [is better] because in many of my classes, additional instruction isn’t required for many of the assignments. They can be done without any explanation.





Chelsea Hutton

I like virtual better because all our assignments are explained and we get a lesson rather than just homework over things we’ve already done. It also keeps me from procrastinating.






Evie Brooks

I think virtual is better because you can actually learn new things and you have a schedule, so you aren’t just doing whatever whenever you want.





Both sides of this hot debate make valid points, but based on the teachers’ thoughts, it seems we will be sticking with virtual if it comes down to that again.