Delphi senior auditions for The Voice



Every year, thousands of eager contestants audition forthe popular show, The Voice. This year one of Delphi’s own, Sharon Campbell, a senior at Delphi Community High School, tried her luck to become a contestant on the show.

1.How did you feel leading up to your audition and after?

“In all seriousness, I was scared but confident. Leading up to my audition, I was sure my heart murmur was going to lead me to a heart attack. I could feel my heartbeat in my toes.”


  1. What did you do to prepare for your audition?

“If you want honesty, I didn’t. She, the producer, called my name to audition, so I stood up, said a song, and hoped I remembered the words.”


  1. What song did you sing for your audition?

“Tough Love” from my all time favorite movie and inspiration, Burlesque.”


  1. How long did the whole process take?

Well, it took 2-3 hours to get to Chicago, and they’re an hour behind, so we showed up at 7:30 am. I didn’t get to audition until 11:00 am. I’ll find out if I made it through email.”


  1. Did you meet any interesting people?

“Of course! You always will in these situations. However, since you’re all there to do the same thing, you learn to love these people.”


  1. Did you meet/see anyone famous?

“From The Voice, no. From The Walking Dead, yes. There was a Walking Dead convention upstairs at the Navy Pier in Chicago. I saw Emily Kinney (Beth) and Andrew Lincoln (Rick). It was so amazing.”


  1. How was the experience overall?

“It was cold. Seeing all the people with so much talent was really intimidating.The lines were short and there were a lot of stairs. However, I loved the experience. We were like a family.”

Delphi Community High School, along with Sharon, eagerly awaits the results from the audition which will arrive via email in the next couple of months.