Do’s and don’ts of semiformal attire

With semiformal approaching, anxiety levels are rising within teenage girls as they begin the search for “the perfect dress.” However, oftentimes, the perfect dress is not seen as so by the school. An effective way to avoid this devastating predicament is to know and abide by the dress code.

Basically, the motto for your semiformal attire is “keep it classy.” You know the bodycon dress with the full side slits and open back might make your date’s eyes shine brightly, but it definitely does not fit the school’s definition of appropriate.  So, avoid dresses with slits.  Strapless dresses are accepted but please use good judgment. Two piece dresses, or cropped dresses, may be trendy, but they are not permitted at the dance. Finally, dresses are prefered to be fingertip length. Semiformal is not meant to be an all out affair. Save your big bucks for prom in the spring. A nice simple dress with heels and jewelry will have you red carpet ready.

Boys, please keep your arms and legs inside of your clothes at all times throughout the night. If you think you might get hot, sweaty, and begin to smell (preferably you shower before, not during), you could consider the option of tuxedo shorts.

If your attire goes against the dress code, you will be asked to leave the dance, and who wants to do that after spending all day getting ready? Now, you may still be wondering . . . is my dress appropriate? If you have any questions or concerns, Mrs. Carpenter, SADD sponsor, would be more than happy to talk with you.