Eleven DCHS students spending Spring Break in France and Italy

photo taken by Emily Mears

Prior to the trip, the students and their parents met with Ms. Isaacs to insure everyone was on the same page.

In the fall of 2021, DCHS students were presented with the opportunity to travel to Paris to learn more about the culture and see some of the famous landmarks. Ms. Isaacs, who has previously sponsored trips to Italy and Ireland, is once again working with EF Tours to provide this amazing travel opportunity to students.


 The students have an exciting and full 10 day itinerary to follow. Students will be visiting Paris, the French Riviera, Pisa, Florence, and Rome. Some destinations will include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Nice, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Piazza della Signoria, Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, the Sistine Chapel, and more. 


With eleven students going on this trip, Ms. Isaacs has enlisted her parents to help as chaperones. On top of that, two other parents will be accompanying the trip as well. The combination of students and parents will provide everyone with an extra sense of safety while traveling so far away from home. 


Prior to this trip, there had been a trip scheduled for Spring Break in 2020 to visit various cities in Italy and Spain, but due to travel restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic, the trip was canceled. After that, there was a trip scheduled to Ireland for Spring Break in 2021. Once more, due to COVID restrictions, it was canceled as well. 


Fortunately, all restrictions have been lifted and this year’s Spring Break trip is all set to go. “This is a trip that not everyone will get to experience in their lifetime, so I hope those going truly take advantage of every opportunity presented,” said Ms. Isaacs.


For many, this is their first trip overseas and without their parents. Junior CJ Martin said, “I’m not really sure [what I’m most excited about]. I’m really excited about all of it but it’s really intense because I’ve never been far from home and especially without parents and it’s my first time on a plane, but I’m just glad that my sister and my cousin are going with me.”


Senior Taylor Hyman is another one of the eleven students attending. She said, “I am excited to try all of the different foods and visit all of the sites that I have only seen in pictures and movies.” Ms. Isaacs is looking forward to not only seeing the Eiffel Tower at night and eating all the sweets and pastries, but the overall experience as well. She said, “While some would probably prefer not to travel with students, I enjoy seeing the look on their faces and knowing that they have really seen or experienced something phenomenal.”


“I can’t believe I’m actually going to France and Italy. I know it is a trip I will never forget, and I am so appreciative of the opportunity,” said Taylor.