10 Reasons to acquire a hammock


  1. Able to chill basically anywhere


When you are a looking for a place to chill and you don’t want to lay on the ground, you just need to find two sturdy posts of a sort and tie a couple knots and you’re set.


  1. A deeper sleep is achievable


Sleeping in a bed is good and all, but you can also sleep in a hammock. When you sleep in a hammock you are elevated and stretched out unlike a mattress, and with a somewhat flat position you will not hurt when you wake up or hurt your spine.


  1. Super easy to set up


You know when you are camping and you have to set up the tent and it takes way longer than expected? That’s when a hammock comes in handy. When you are setting up a hammock, it takes just 5 minutes and it doesn’t involve any skill. Think of all the s’mores you can roast with that extra time.


  1. Light and no space needed


When you are packing for any occasion you always seem to run out of space.  If you would need to take any type of sleeping arrangement you can pack a hammock. A hammock would only use as much space as a pair of headphones and it would add basically no weight to your luggage.


  1. The openness


Do you ever feel like when you’re lying in bed that you’re confined? Well, with a hammock it feels like there is no limits. When you are in your hammock you have a feeling of almost floating or swinging and that gives the illusion of openness.


  1. The value


What price comes to your head when you think of a hammock? Some people think a decent hammock will cost you hundreds, but in reality a good hammock will only cost you around thirty dollars.


  1. Strength


Do you ever wonder how much a hammock could hold? To be honest a hammock can hold up 400 pounds sometimes (considering the quality). So if you’re afraid to buy a hammock and have you and a friend in it at the same time, don’t worry—it will all be fine.


  1. Play a musical instrument in it


When you’re lying in your hammock with nothing else to do, play your instrument. A hammock is big enough so that you can lay down and hold an instrument with no trouble at all.


  1. Doubles as a swing


Even though it may seem obvious, your hammock can double as a swing (not a play swing). As long as you have a sense of balance you can swing in it, but please don’t flip yourself.


  1. You can sleep in the rain


Sleeping in the rain for some people is calming and usually when it rains it’s a little humid. With a rain cover for your hammock you can easily sleep in the weather as long as it’s not a super ferocious storm.


Now that you know about the advantages of owning a hammock, maybe you are considering buying one. If you don’t have the money, maybe do some extra chores around the house or just beg your parents at a constant rate until they give in to shut you up. Happy hanging!