Senior mezzanine gets a makeover

photo taken by Allie Lawless

Chase Long and Elijah Hartman play cornhole at the end of the day.

Sitting on the mezzanine during lunch has been one of Delphi’s senior traditions. The tradition includes . . . well, it includes just sitting on the mezzanine. This privilege, although kind of boring, was sacred to the senior class over the years, but recently the seniors have started caring less about the tradition. Because of this, Mrs. Pickering has aided in an initiative to reinvent the mezzanine and turn it into a more fun and special space. Clubs such as Interact and Student Council are helping with this project, as well as seniors Maguire Thompson and Carson Workinger.

The first addition has been cornhole boards, and they have already received a lot of attention. Students can check out bean bags from the LMC and play cornhole during lunch. Carson Workinger has been an avid user of the boards,“Playing cornhole at lunch has been a great way to spend lunch with my friends. We get to compete and it gives us something to look forward to each day!”

Another change, even though it may seem like a small one, is the addition of another microwave which helps shorten the seniors’ wait for heating up food. Other potential additions are mentioned on the white board on the mezzanine. Games such as cards and Jenga, a tv, and a new paint job for the wood panel wall are all renovations Mrs. Pickering has planned to add. A ping pong table, pool table, and a basketball shootout are also some possibilities in the future. Not only will these changes provide entertainment, but they will help make the space more visually appealing and modern.  “We want it to be a place for only seniors, something that the kids can look forward to when they become 12th graders,” Mrs. Pickering said.

Not only is the focus on creating an enjoyable space, the mezzanine is also going to be redecorated. Mr. Sims has already gotten approval to repaint the mural on the wall surrounding the mezzanine. That painting project will hopefully take place before next school year. 

This project is based around what the students want, so Mrs. Pickering is accepting any feedback or ideas. Vamping up the mezzanine will make the seniors feel like they have more of a privilege rather than just a place to sit. “We have to take pride in our school and pride in the place we spend most of our time. If we are going to live here for eight hours a day, we might as well invest some ideas into the school,” she said.