Deadpool movie review

On Friday, Feb. 12, Marvel’s most famous anti-hero movie premiered after years of waiting, Deadpool. My friends and I decided to wait and see it the Monday after its debut because we didn’t have school. We were all excited. We heard the reviews from Friday’s premiere and all the positive ones lifted our spirits up. Let’s just say, the opening credits had us laughing. The movie was everything we expected and more.

The movie is about Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), an ex Special Forces Operative who gets dishonorably discharged after 41 confirmed kills and some wild times at TGI Fridays. No seriously, he brings up TGI Friday’s like every five minutes.   Wade WIlson works for a bar, not bar tending through. People pay him to rough people up if they are bothering them. This job helps him meet Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), a then prostitute. Wade pays over $200 for them to go play skeeball and their relationship blossoms from there. Then after a year of dating Wade finds out that he has cancer in his liver, lungs, prostate, and heart, and there is no treatment for him. He doesn’t want to cause Vanessa pain so he leaves in the middle of the night. He then gets offered treatments to make him superhuman. At first he says no but he then realizes that with the superhuman abilities his cancer won’t kill him and he can be with Vanessa again. He undergoes torture by a man called Ajax in order to get his superhuman powers. Wade’s mouth gets him in trouble with Ajax when Wade realizes his real name is Francis and the name Ajax came from the dish soap brand. The mutation of the superhuman ability of regeneration leaves Wade covered in nasty scaly skin, but makes him almost impossible to kill. Wade then tries to go after Francis for making him so ugly and torturing him. He then goes to his friend, Weasel (TJ Miller), who works at the bar. Together they come up with Wade’s name for his new alter ego, Deadpool. But as Deadpool plots his attack on Ajax, he finds out that Vanessa has been taken. Deadpool enlists the unlikely help of two X-Men, Colossus ( voiced by Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand).

The movie is probably one of the most hilarious movies ever, but with the action of any other Marvel movie. Deadpool is known for his snark, sarcasm, and inappropriateness. He doesn’t want to be a good guy; he declines the offers to join the X-men many times.  He wants revenge for what Ajax did to him and doesn’t care who he has to kill. This unique style of Deadpool has made him very popular. He breaks the 4th wall many times by addressing the audience; he even tells the audience what he had to do to Wolverine to get his own movie. There are also many references to Ryan Reynolds’ DC Comic days as Green Lantern. Deadpool carries all his weapons in a Hello Kitty duffle bag and never seems to remember them. He lives with a blind old woman who has an even worse sense of humor than he does.

Overall, Deadpool was a good movie. It does deserve the R rating with all the violence, language, and sexual content though. What made the movie wasn’t really the plot. It was more so the characters. Deadpool diffuses the tension at every turn with a joke or one of his shenanigans.

My personal favorite shenanigan is how Deadpool convinces his cab driver to kill the man who stole his woman. This is a must-see for anyone, whether or not you like Marvel or DC. I think anyone would enjoy it.