With February being the month of love, a certain romantic feeling encompasses the atmosphere for both men and women wanting to find someone to exchange their passions with. Finding a girlfriend can be a difficult challenge from what I’ve observed along with keeping that relationship healthy and equal, but I believe these three tips will assist with helping you keep your relationship a healthy one.
1 – Listen to each other. Many guys think that women want a muscular, big, strong man they can gawk over. Yet, in reality, girls want a guy that will listen to them and their problems whether it be about their relationships or they just need someone to talk to after a long day to get someone else’s opinion.
2 – Be honest with each other. Many problems in life are caused by dishonesty and miscommunication. Dishonesty may stem from past trauma, other toxic relationships, ego, selfishness, wanting to manipulate a partner, hiding shameful experiences from one another, and so on. Being honest and straight forward with one another helps build a bridge in your relationship that either of you can cross without it acting like a violation to the other. It also helps you see the other’s perspective on a matter with he or she being honest with their social principles.
3 – Treat each others as equals in every aspect of your relationship. For some deranged reason, many men think they have to be the superior sex in a relationship, that they have to be the bread winners for their families, they get to make all the decisions in a relationship – totally ignoring the women’s opinions. In reality, you and your partner should contribute 50% each to the relationship and keeping your home working and functional. If one of the partners feels as if they are doing the majority of the work, you should sit down and have a rational conversation with one another to find a solution that benefits or works for both partners. Fear, anger, oppression, or guilt should never steer a relationship.