8th grade Halloween writing contest winning stories

By Isabelle Voorhies, first place

You push the door open gently, shivering as warm, breathy air blew down your back.
The rotting door creaks ominously as the wet wood crumbles under your slight push. A squeak
of a mouse is heard farther in the house. The smell of decay and death attacks your nose,
humid, putrid air wrapping around you. Why did you agree to this? All for a trip to the beach?
You signed up for this, though. If you didn’t do this, someone else was going to get that reward.
Was that a cockroach? Oh no. What have you gotten yourself into now?
Glancing around, you seem to be in some sort of living space. A large fireplace stands at
the edge wall, bricks falling onto the ground. The inside looks as if something was once living
there, rotting twigs and decaying leaves, packed into a nest. The walls seem crooked, leaning
in as if any second the whole structure could collapse. You just about sat on the couch, despite
the thin-looking cushions, before a groan escapes it. You jolt over to the kitchen in a blind panic,
and a revolting squish greets you when you run in. Slowly looking down, you lift up your foot.
Something long rotted, you can’t even tell what it is. It’s grey and slick, and there appears to be
an old bone resting in it. A gag chokes your throat as you look away, observing the rest of the
The counter’s fallen through, though a small, wooden board is set up as a makeshift top.
Red liquid, you can only imagine what it could be, is smeared across the surface. It’s old, dark,
and bits of. . . meat are strewn across the surface. One oblong piece reminds you vaguely of a
finger. The large butcher knife doesn’t ease your senses, either. You shake your foot off as you
poke your head upstairs.
The landing looked like it would have been nice at one point, but you’re unsure if the
carpet was originally this dark. All your senses screamed run. A huge, dark wood door loomed
over you, seeming to stare at you. Blood, now you’re sure that its blood, is drawn across every
wall. Then, something pricks at your ears: giggling. Giggling of a young girl, mad and crazed.
Your feet walked without your permission, you need to leave, NOW. But you can’t. Your hand is
on the cold handle before you can get your feet to move the other way. What’s happening? Why
can’t you move away? You ease the large door open, and the giggling stops. The girl is sitting
on the floor across from you. Long hair falls past her shoulders, a deep chocolate brown, and
her eyes are a bright emerald green. Her face, though, her face is drenched in red, her hands
look like they have red gloves of blood. A corpse lays in front of her, ripped at the ribs. The
giggling returns. She stands up and walks over to you, you feel frozen, not a muscle is moving.
Your nerves are frozen, your head is full of cotton, you can’t move, why can’t you move?!
The girl stops right in front of you. She stares you in the eyes, her girn and giggling
horrifying. But what scares you most is her eyes. The pupil is dilated, insane, appearing to be
full of intent, full of hunger. Her voice comes out, sweet and innocent if not for it seeping with
“Hello, stranger.” Her voice seems to undo the spell that was stopping you from moving
and your feet jolt, slamming into the wooden floor, bolting down the stairs.
“Aww, come back soon, perhaps you can come for dinner?” You nearly stop running
again at the bottom of the stairs, the strange spell about to come over you, but you power
through and run out the door. And keep running. And running. And running. Your heartbeat
thrumming against your ribs.
You would not be coming for dinner.

Unfortunate Condolence

by Sarah Walker, second place

Kamya’s sister has always been a quiet girl, but so was she, of sorts. She has never once in her life heard Kamau’s voice. But she wasn’t deaf nor mute.

They were both really pale girls, both extremely thin, tall with long black hair. Kamau had clear, grey, misty eyes. Kamya was just an inch shorter than her sister, with bangs hanging uneven in front of her burning ash, colourd eyes.

They were twins, Kamau only being five seconds older than Kamya, both fourteen.

There were both homeschooled in the country, isolated from any town or house. They didn’t live on a farm, a forest more like, surrounded by acres of woods. They had never seen another child their age, or anyone for that matter.

They didn’t have any other family members, all had short miserable lives.

The house that they lived in was small and empty, not possessing much of anything. 

Their mother stayed home all day schooling them, and would work on the weekends. Their father got up early and worked late six days a week. He would always sleep through the days he didn’t work. 

They didn’t have much money. But at least they had a home, a warm bed, food, and parents that would do anything to help their kids have better lives.

When Kamau and Kamya were younger, they had built a treefort a couple acres away from the house, made of thick logs they found in the woods. Now it was fatigued and splintering, not able to hold their thin bodies weight. It would fall in, twelve feet from the Earth’s surface.

It was the weekend and their father was fast asleep, their mother at work. 

Kamya had finished all her week’s worth of work, while her older sister still asleep in the bedroom they share. 

It was autumn outside. The trees’ leaves slowly dying. They wind low and chilly.

Kamya though since she was done with her work, she would go out and enjoy the calm weather. She put on her brown rain boots over her black wool socks, her brown rain jacket and finally escaped the household. She wasn’t sure if it was going to rain or not, but she wanted to be sure, and it was the only jacket she owned.

She wished Kamau was awake. It was already one in the afternoon, what kind of dream could she possibly be dreaming off? Kimya wished she knew, she seemed to know nothing of her sister.

Kamya walked into the muddy forest, going down the same path to the treefort since she was a little kid. She wouldn’t call her younger self a ‘child’ considering she was only fourteen and still one. At least that’s what she thought.

Not much time later, she stumbled upon the treefort. Old and breaking. She wished that she could still go in, it would bring back so many memories. Memories when she and her sister were closer together, in heart and mind. 

Kamya walked around the treefort, seeing it from every angel. 

She stopped to listen to the woods, the animals, the little stream just up the hill. The wind, and the blowing of the tree’s leaves.

She wondered how much time had gone by. Maybe an hour or so; the sky was dimming in colour already. She didn’t want to be stuck here at night, so she started heading back. Strolling down the path she came down in. 

Kamya finally came back home, the sky darker than when she left. 

Two cars were in the driveway, she noticed. Her heart skipped a tiny beat, mother must be home earlier today!! She rushed in and stripped off her rain gear. 

“Mother, are you home?” she asked as she came into the kitchen.

Kamau was sitting at the dinner table, her hands in her lap, and her head hanging low. Mother was making coffee. Kamya didn’t know what was going on.

“Mother? Are you alright?” Kamya was worried. Something was wrong.

Her mother turned around and sat in one of the chairs at the table. Her dark brown hair was in a mess, and she had bags under her eyes darker than normal. Her mother patted on of the sets next to her saying “Come sit.”

“Kamya, sweetie,” she said in her soft voice. “Honey…I’m getting laid off…I-”

“What?” Kamya interrupted. “Why?” 

“I guess they just don’t need me anymore.”

“But don’t they know that we need money? That we’re starving?”

“Honey, It’s okay. I can find another job. Your father still has his doesn’t he?”

She nodded, her head hanging low, her grey eyes filling with tears. 

Her mother moved her bangs and kissed her on the forehead, got up with her steaming coffee, and headed for her bedroom, were she can sleep with her husband.

Kamya looked over the table to her sister. Kamya scooched over a chair to sit next to Kamau, wrapping her arms around her neck. She wanted to be comforted, but Kamau didn’t rap her hands back around her sister. Kamya wanted to cry, but like her mother said she; was going to find another job. And she knew her mother needed a break. She just could wait until she could get a job to make money for her family.

Oh! To brighten up her spirits, Kamau was awake and she could have some fun with her. But then she remembered Kamau had homework still left to do. 

“Kamau, would you like me to help you with your homework?” She asked. Kamau nodded, her head still low. Kamya went up to their bedroom to her her sister’s work. She didn’t have much to finish, just a couple more questions she’s didn’t understand. 

She went back down stairs with the papers.

“Kamau, I got your-Uh? Where…did you go?” She wasn’t at the table, her chair had fallen on the floor. Kamya placed her homework in front of the chair she was sitting in.

“Kamau?” She called again. She looked around the kitchen. Maybe she was in another room. She got up and looked around the small house. When she finally got to the front door, she figured maybe she went outside? But her rain gear was still on its hook.

Kamya put back on her rain gear, grabbed her sisters raincoat, a flashlight from cupboard above the hooks, and left the house. 

Their parents were asleep, she was glad they didn’t have to know…not right now.

“Kamau?!” She tried her hardest to yell out for her sister, but her voice was too soft. “Kamau?!” But then again, she wouldn’t call back. 

The sky was way darker now, but not too dark where she needed to use her flashlight, she didn’t want to drain the battery. 

The wind was silent. Kamya follow the path she did earlier, to the treefort. 

“Kamau? Kamau? Kamau?” She repeated over and over again. Her voice was going to let out sooner or later. 

She finally reached the treefort, when something hard hit her forehead. 

“Ah!” She squatted, grabbed her face. She saw that it was a pebble, must be from the stream uphill. “Who threw that?”

She looked up to the treefort. Maybe someone was in there…? But wouldn’t it fall in? No matter who or what their weight was? Maybe she was wrong about it falling it.

“Kamau? Are you in there?” She saw someone peek their heed through one of the windows of the treefort. Kamya flashed her flashlight toward them. 

“Kamau. How did you get up there?” She turned off her flashlight, and heeded toward the ladder made of sticks on the bark of the tree. Kamya grabbed the labber and started climbing. She just hoped she was light enough so it wouldn’t break. She climbed the twelve feet of ladder, finally reaching her sister’s grasp. Kamya gave Kamau her raincoat while she was still between the ladder and the opening floor of the fort. Kamau grabbed the coat and tried to help her sister get up into the fort. 

The only thing Kamau was wearing was her nightgown. No shoes or socks. She must be freezing, it was at least forty degrees. Kamya was just glad she had brought that jacket, she wished she had more.

Both of the girls wore their oversized brown raincoats in the corner on their childhood treefort. Kamya was hugging Kamau around the shoulders, both of their backs against the wall. The floor didn’t fall it. 

“Kamau, what happened? Did you get scared at something?” She asked. Kamau closed her eyes and shook her head.

“Someone?” Kamau nodded her head a tiny bit. 

“Oh.” Was all Kamya could say. Her sister actually looked frightened. She doesn’t really show emotion. Kamya just wished she knew what it was Kamau was frightened of. 

It was dark now. The temperature dropped five degrees, they were scared, cold, and hungry. But then Kamya realized something.

“Kamau, why don’t we just go back to the house? Maybe it was just your imagination and you overreacted.” She started going down the ladder when Kamau grabbed her raincoat sleeve and she shook her head, putting her index finger to her lips. 

“It’s okay. We can just check it out.” Going down the ladder a little more, her head barely visible to Kamau. 

Kamau freaked out and started to grab Kamya’s raincoat toward her to get in. Kamya didn’t want either of them to fall.

“It’s okay! It’s okay!” She yelled at her sister, trying to calm them both down.

Kamau knew it wasn’t okay. She knew what she saw through that kitchen window. Whether it was her imagination or not, she was scared. 

Kamya finally got Kamau to get down. She was shaking though, and hard. She clenched onto her younger sister, who was an inch shorter. Barefoot through the woods.

Kamya took the flashlight from her raincoat pocket, turned it on, and shined it around the area. She found the path, and lead Kamau down it. 

Kamau stumbled at being barefoot, her feet crunching under acorns, bugs, and  dried leaves. She hated it. She wanted to stay in the treefort until the next morning, when she knew it was safe in the daylight.

Kamya had never seen her sister like this before, she felt so bad for her, but she knew she would be better once they reached…home? Shouldn’t their house be here, or near here? She shined the flashlight around. They had been following the path, but when she looked down, there wasn’t one. 

She didn’t want to tell her sister that they were lost, she knew she would be scared out of her skull. But she knew she had to. She looked over her shoulder at her big sister. She wasn’t shaking anymore, but Kamya knew she was cold.

“Hey, Kamau?” She asked. He sister looked up at her telling her she got her attention. “I…don’t know why we are. I got us lost. I’m sorry.”

Kamau stood up, normal, an inch taller than Kamya, and nodded. Saying it was alright and we can find the way back home. Strange sudden in emotion. Kamya smiled at her.

They turned around to find the trail again.


. . . . .


They couldn’t find it. They’ve been out in the woods for hours and they couldn’t find their home. It had to be at least eleven at night.

They had given up and would just wait it out until the morning-where they could see.

Kamya found a good spot to build a fire. Their were sticks all around them and there was nothing to catch on fire- like grass, bushes, or trees above.

Kamau and Kamya were not as cold anymore, while Kamya could save the flashlight batteries.

Kamau was still cold, though. Their raincoats were long enough in diameter they could lay them on themselves as a blanket. She fell right asleep.

Kamya sat and glared angrily at the fire. She wished she and her sister had food- Kamau hadn’t ate one single crumb today and neither had she. She wished her parents were awake and see that their fourteen year old girls weren’t in the house and they could see the faint glow of the fire to come save them. She wished her sister hadn’t got scared of the figure from her imagination. She wished she knew more about her sister.

But then again who could blame her? Kamau never got scared-so it had to be real. Right? At least that was what Kamya thought.

She was tired and just wanted to be home. Kamya laid down next to her sister and wrapped herself in her raincoat. She fell asleep silently with no dreams. 


. . . . . 


Kamya woke up with an eager shake from her sister. Kamya rubbed her eyes and yawned. The fire was low with a tiny flame and burning ash.

“What is it?” She asked sleepily, opening her eyes a little more. 

“Kamau, it’s still dark. What do you want?” All she wanted to do was sleep. Kamau was wearing her raincoat and had her hands to her chest. She was shaking. 

“Hm? Are you alright?” Kamya sat up and rumbedd her sister’s arms. Kamau shook her head no, sweating. 

Kamya hadn’t heard anything that night while she was sleeping. She reached over to put some sticks on the fire. She buttoned up her raincoat and helped Kamau up. 

Kamau’s raincoat was all muddy, her legs her scratched up and bruised. Kamya picked a twig out of her hair, brushing her dark hair out of her eyes.

Kamya wished she knew what it was. She wished she knew what Kamua wanted to say and would say it already.

“Breathe,”she told her sister. 

Kamau nodded and breathed in and out to calm her nerves. 

“Did that man come again?” She asked as Kamau nodded.

Kamya sat Kamau down with their knees up in front of her chest. Kamya was still tired, she placed her head on her older sister’s shoulder and closed her eyes. 

And fell.

Kamya fell hard on her cheek.

“Ow!” She rubbed her face with her cold hands. “Ow, ow, ow! Kamau? Kamau!?” 

She just vanished. She just… She’s gone! 

“Kamau? Kamau?” She got up. Her knees wobbled. 

It was light enough to see outside, it was still the sun rise. They sky was grey with a light fog on the ground. 

The fire was nothing but red ashes. She stomped on them with her rain boots, making sure she wouldn’t start a forest fire. 

Had she fallen asleep on Kamau? Home much time had passed? 

She didn’t know what to do, where to go. What had happened?

“Kamau!!” She screamed hard. “Kamau! Where did you go!!?” 

She fell on her knees, tears in her eyes. She cried and cried. She cried for what seemed like an eternity. 

But there was no point in crying. That man had taken her sister right in front of her, and she missed it. She was missing, and all she was doing was moping around. 

“Get up, “ she told herself. “Get up!” Her thin knees shook like a calf’s first time trying to walk, she had to hold them from falling over. She didn’t have enough energy. She hadn’t eaten in two days, and she didn’t get enough sleep.  

Kamya walked on through the woods. It was past midday. She knew the sun would set here soon in a couple hours. She wondered what her parents were doing.

Then she fell with a little shriek and hit her head.

Kamya had fallen in a trap, some leaves covering a black tarp, into a hole.

  Kamau was down there, also. They had collided and passed out. 


 . . . . .


When Kamya woke up, she couldn’t see a thing. The sun must have already set. 

Good, she wasn’t out for that long.

Kamya could feel something beside her. She grabbed her flashlight and looked around. Beside her was her sister, mouth open, white eyes. Kamya jerked backward at the sight of her sister looking half dead. 

Kamya reached over to touch her sister’s face, she could feel her breathing, but she wasn’t moving. She was frozen. Her full white eyes didn’t blink once.

Kamya didn’t want to believe it. 

The wind whorled in from the top of the hole. The leaves moved around in an upward movement, so did the twigs and some of the mud. And Kamau.

Kamau started lumley drifting in the air, her clothes, hair, and body all against the rules of gravity. Kamya cramded herself against the hole wall, flashlight off faced up.

She was scared, she didn’t know what had controlled, or what was controlling her sister. 

Kamau had a hold on Kamya’s wrist, tight enough to leave a mark scares; her sharp nails drilled into her arm.

Kamya shrieked loud, trying to loosen Kamau’s grip with her free hand. But Kamau took her up with her, out of the hole. When they reached the ground level, Kamau let go of Kamya’s bruised arm with a thunk on the ground.

Kamya’s wrist was bleeding in five different parts, each one from each of Kamau’s fingers. Her arm was injured badly. 

She looked up at her floating sister. Kamau was floating upright now, her hand dripped of her sister’s blood. 

Could it be Kamau’s own doing? Could she have lured her and her sister here so she could kill her? What about their parents?

They’ve been out there for almost two days. Or has it been three? Kamya has passed out so many times, and for how long? Would their mother and father still being sleeping, or was the police looking for them now?

But…could it be Kamau’s own doing? Had Kamau tipped that chair over herself, and ran to the treefort barefoot herself? Had she faked being scared, because she never was to Kamya’s knowledge, or at least she’s never see Kamau scared. Had she lied about the man that scared her? Was she going to kill her?

No. She couldn’t. Kamya knew Kamau would never do something like that.

“Kamau. Come down,” she whispered to her sister, tears in her eyes, falling like a million waterfalls. What was she going to do? She didn’t know. She never knew anything.

Kamau looked down at her. 

“Kamya.” Soft and quiet, Kamya barely heard.

Kamya froze. In the past fourteen years of her life, her sister had never said a thing in the world, not even a little squeak. And today she spoke, of all of the days, it was today, and her name, she said.

“Kamau, Kamau!” More waterfalls fell from her face. “It’s me, I’m Kamya, I’m your younger twin sister, it’s Kamya.” She wanted Kamua to be able to her from that thing possessing her.

“I’m sorry, Kamya. I’m sorry I had to do this.” She looked away slightly. Kamya’s face worrisome.


Kamya fell with a thud. Nothing but white light came her way. 


. . . . .


Kamya and Kamau’s parents were worried out of their skulls. It was monday, and their father took the day of work calling in sick, but really, their kids were lost in the woods. 

They had called the police, and with an hour’s drive, they finally came to look for their children. 

It was a no-brainer that they wanted to help find their kids. Two fourteen year old girls have been lost in the woods for three days, their fourteen year old girls.

If Kamya was with Kamau, then they would have a high chance of survival, for they knew how smart Kamya was. They would surely survive. But what if Kamya wasn’t with Kamau? Could they be dead already? They didn’t want to believe it, not their little girls.

They’ve been out there for about two hours, the police found no evidence of them.

“What about the treefort? Did you check the treefort?” The twin’s mother had asked them. But they shook their heads, saying they didn’t find one.

“It’s near the house, west of the house. There’s a path that leads down that way.”

They went back near the house, going west to find the trail, and when they finally did, they found the treefort. 

There were prints in the mud, boot prints, and bare feet prints. 

They knew one of the girls went barefoot for three days.

“Kamau, it was Kamau, she hate wearing shoes,” the mother told them.

The trail of prints lead in one direction, going together, good, right? Right. They followed, leading to a pile of ash and rock, where they had camped for the night.

“Oh thank goodness,” she started weeping onto her husband’s shoulders. He rubbed her back to comfort her. “Well find them, don’t worry,” he whispered to her.

They kept walking-until they found the tarp. There were bushes all around, hard to seen the girls. 

The girls!

The cops were looking in a different direction when their mother found them. 

“Kamya! Kamau!” She weazed, their names barely coming out of their mouth. She stumbled over to them. “Kamya, Kamau…”

Their mother lay hugged Kamau, who was just standing next to her sister. Mother’s eyes were so blurry, she couldn’t seen her youngest daughter. 

“Kamau…Kamya, where’s Kamya?” She wiezed. She looked down, eyes foggy.

There was Kamya. Laying on the ground. Blood gushing from her forehead and arm. A hole right through her intestines, guts everywhere. Blood was splattered all around the forest floor, covering sticks, leaves, and bushes. More blood than the normal human would hold, it seemed, and Kamya was pencil thin. 

Her skin paler than normal, her mother could she it through translucent eyes.

She was dead. Kamya was dead.

Her poor baby girl was dead.


Their mother gasped, and squeezed Kamau tighter, letting her knees sink. Kamau’s poster kept her mother from hitting the ground. 

Her mother had to get enough strength to look her daughter in the face. She had to. She had to, she had to, she had to. But waterfall tears fell from her face, she couldn’t.

Kamau turned her head around slightly.

Good Morning, mom.

The House Of Mirrors

by Brasen Starbuck, third place

“The Mirror interview, take one.” Bob states.

“Hello Mrs. Miranda Daily, I am Randy Jones this is Sarah Caldwell. As you know we are paranormal investigators.” Randy says. 

“My other associate, Bob he is our cameraman.” He states

“Yes I am well aware that you are paranormal investigators. I called you because, well I’ve had an encounter.” Miranda starts.


“You say you had a ghost encounter, can describe-” Sarah was cut off.


“I always thought my cat had a staring problem. She always seemed fixated on my face. The look of fear and helplessness she looked like she had seen a ghost. It was another day and she was staring at me. I wondered why, I realized that she was always looking just behind me.” 


“What was behind you?” Randy questions Miranda.


“Shush!” Miranda says in a stern tone.


“I turned around with my eyes squeezed tight. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mirror. I waved my hand back and forth the mirror copies me, but something seems off. My reflection had a smile. I was not smiling. Then a crack started right in the middle of my reflections face. It quickly spread to the four corners of the mirror. The mirror then exploded glass flying everywhere. I fell to the ground shards of glass stuck in my face and chest. I pulled one out of my forehead blood flowing out like a river, streaming into my eyes. I then see one of the scariest things of my entire life. It was me, the reflection stepped out of the mirror still smiling. Its pointer finger sprouting a large finger nail. It stabs itself in the head, bringing the fingernail all the way to its feet. Then two arms shot out of the skin. It steps its feet out, he wore the skin like a costume. He had no eyes Just a smile with razor sharp teeth. The rest of its fingers had grown large fingernails. It bit my arm ripping it off, I screamed in pain and terror. My cat running away with blood splatters all over it.” Miranda finishes.


“But, your arm is fine.” Sarah states. 


“I am dead.” Miranda says.


“You’re a ghost, aren’t you?” Randy asks. 


“Yes, I am.” She answers.


“Why have you come back?” Randy asks puzzled 


“You need to burn the house down, the address is 9101 west liberty avenue.” Miranda says.


Miranda slowly fades away. The team of Bob, Randy, and Sarah get ready for the dangerous mission to burn the house down. 


        One Hour Later 

“Did everyone get the supplies.” Randy asks. 


Bob and Sarah both respond showing their perspective items and gear. They walk in the house ready for a razor sharp teeth monster. However when they opened the door they saw something they didn’t expect. Mirrors, mirrors were everywhere. All three of them walked in, the door slamming behind them. 


“Welcome to my house of mirrors, as you can see you are in a corridor of mirrors. I know your business here and we will not let you burn down our funhouse.” The entity said. 


“This is a lot worse than we thought, Sarah there is more than one of these things we have no chance. 


“How do we know that?” She questions him.


“He just say we, we means more than one. 


“Check the door.” Sarah says.


“The door is locked we are trapped in here with a bunch of freaking mirrors!” Randy says in anguish. 


“Everything is fine Randy, we need to stop these things.” Bob says in a confident voice.


They start down the corridor of mirrors, looking at their reflections. Randy looks at a mirror and notices that there is a clown. The clown jumps out of the mirror right on top of Randy.


“Hahaha! Looks like I caught me a snack. Hahaha!” The Clown laughs pulling Randy around the corner.


Randy dropped the cross that was in his hands, Bob went and picked it up.


“We can still do this!” He says confidently with the cross in his hands.


They turn around the corner to see Randy, or what’s left of him. The clown sits there eating his flesh and bones. 


“You made a bad choice coming here, we are three. We are the three spirits that created the circle. We are going to bring daddy home!” The clown blares. 


“What do you mean daddy?” Sarah questions the clown.


“This clown doesn’t have to answer to people like you!” He screams jumping at Sarah.


Bob jumps in front of Sarah pointing the cross at the clown. The clown starts to melt his body oozing on the floor. Bob douces the pool of blood in holy water. Sarah starts to lay a trail of gas on the floor. They head up the stairs, mirrors still on the walls. Sarah still pouring gas behind them, they look at the top of the staircase to see a little girl. Half of her face is skeleton and her other half is skin with stitches and staples.  


“We will not let you stop daddy!” She screams.


She jumps at Bob he tumbles down the stairs. The girl turns and looks at Sarah. 


“Bob!” She screams. 


“Bobs neck has a little problem. Hahahaha!” The girl laughs with a wicked tone. 


Bobs neck is broken, he’s dead. The girl walks up the stairs, Sarah tries to run up the rest of the stairs. She runs into the razor sharp teeth monster. 


“You can not run!” It blares 


“I know but you can’t outrun the flames!” Sarah replies.


Sarah lits the match and drops it onto the trail of gas, it leads to the front door. The house burns down, but there are still many things to still be understood.