How to succeed in finals week

How to succeed in finals week

Finals week is the one week every student dreads. Test after test, it’s an endless cycle. Break is so close, yet so far away. Finals week, however,  is not meant to be feared or despised, but rather, to be faced as the last few strides to the completion of one semester. If students properly prepare and have a proper mindset, finals week can be just another week.

  1. Study

It sounds horrible and excruciating to even think about studying for exams, but it will help you in the end. By studying the material thoroughly and effectively (not just the night before the exam), you will be ready to face any question thrown at you. Furthermore, by studying multiple nights rather than the night before, you will better retain the information.


  1. Get plenty of rest


Getting a good night’s sleep may sound improbable, but it is not impossible. By making the conscious goal to get a good night’s rest, you’ll feel a lot better in the morning. Getting enough sleep is psychologically helpful and you’re able to better focus in your classes. “How do you get to bed sooner, though?” some may ask, “I’m so busy all the time.” It is possible, just stay away from your phone. A lot of students stay up late because of the influence of their phone. Watching YouTube, playing video games, and catching up on Netflix takes away a lot of sleep and homework time, and by making a conscious effort to stay away from those addicting sites, you’ll probably find yourself with a lot more time on your hands that you won’t know what to do with.


  1. Eat a healthy breakfast


Nutritionists aren’t lying when they tell you breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it energize your mind, but it also energizes your body. The more awake you feel, the better you will test.


  1.  Think Positively


The glass is half full. There’s only a few days until break! All you have to do is complete a few final exams. It will be a piece of cake if you follow the steps stated previously. Thinking positively also improves your performance because you are able to think more clearly rather than inwardly hyperventilate.


  1. Do the Superman pose before every exam


Finally, as learned in speech class, there is a physical way, other than sufficient sleep, to prepare your body before taking an exam. Amy Cuddy, an American social psychologist, discussed in a TedTalk in 2012 about how you can put your hands on your hips, sit up straight for two minutes, and by doing this, it stimulates the production of cortisol, a steroid hormone in your body, and “gives you the feeling of confidence.” She provided sufficient evidence from an actual human study. Feeling confident is necessary when taking an exam.