Student shout out: homemade or store bought gifts
Gift giving has been around since the beginning of human life. We have used gifts to show our love and express our feelings for centuries. Nowadays, there is a surplus of stuff that can be used for gift giving, but the question remains: is a store bought gift better than a homemade gift? To answer this question, we asked four students to give their insight to this inquiry.
Michelle Stankard
“ Homemade gifts have more effort and heart put into them than a store bought gift. You have to spend more time thinking about that person, what they like, and pay more attention to details and just put more effort into their gift rather than if you just go to the store and find something very quick and easy.”
Bella Smith
“ I think a store bought gift is better because I feel like it would be better quality than a homemade gift. Food, on the other hand, is a different story.”
Collin Dulin
“ Store bought. I mean, it depends on who made it because, I mean, my younger sister would bake me stuff so I appreciated it but it was not good quality, so that’s my reasoning.”
Cade Nelson
“ I would say homemade gifts because they have more thought and hit a little harder. Store bought is better quality, but homemade is more meaningful.”

Grace is a senior at Delphi and is very excited for her last year of Parnassus. She plays golf, swims, and is an active member of the drama club, SADD...