DCHS welcomes four exchange students
DCHS welcomes this year’s foreign exchange students. From left: Brigitta Baranyai (Hungary), Elli Hyvaerinen (Finland), Manon Lhommel (Switzerland), and Joe Lammers (Germany).
DCHS has always been fortunate to host several foreign exchange students every year. Students from all over the world have walked our hallways and have enlightened us with their knowledge, their culture, and their sense of fun. The Parnassus staff interviewed Delphi’s four new exchange students. Read below to begin to get to know them better.
- Manon Lhommel: Switzerland
- Host Family: The Browns
- She does not enjoy American chocolate
- Favorite Part About America: Having time to play sports
- Misses: Her family and three cats
- Rarely uses a microwave, only uses it when she doesn’t have time to cook
- Never had a pizza roll
- Fun Fact: Her hometown currently is at an all time high for drug consumption
- When she eats out she prefers a good Mexican restaurant
- Joe Lammers: Germany
- Host Family: The Hartmans
- Favorite Part About America: American football and the people
- Misses: Bread
- Doesn’t own a microwave
- Never had a pizza roll
- Fun Fact: Not everyone likes Hitler
- Hardest Part About Leaving: Leaving friends, family, and bread
- Fun Fact #2: He likes German bread
- Elli Hyvaerinen: Finland
- Host Family: The Roths
- Favorite Part About America: The people
- Frequently uses a microwave
- Never had a pizza roll
- Fun Fact: Finland is very cold and there are days with no sun
- Hardest Part About Leaving: Left everything
- She has a horse
- Brigitta Baranyai: Hungary
- Host Family: The Browns
- Took a whole school year to be approved for the exchange program
- Misses: Bread
- Fun Fact: Hungary is where the Rubik’s Cube was invented
About the Writer

Hannah McCleskey, staff writer/videographer
Hannah is in her first year of Parnassus. She has been involved in French Club and the theatre department for four years. She is passionate about cats,...