Meet yourself: What other generations think about us

Generation: (noun)

  1. the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time
  2. a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, etc.


Generation Z, also known as the iGeneration, is commonly accepted as the generation born around 1996 to about 2010. Generation Z is the biggest generation currently. We occupy almost a quarter of the U.S. population, more than any other generation out there. Despite the enormous stereotypes and media attention of the millennials, Generation Z is starting to make a profile for itself, and the older generations are starting to take notice.

There are a lot of characterizations about us, spanning a wide range. However, there are some that the past generations agree on wholeheartedly that are listed below.


      1. We are entrepreneurial.

According to nearly every article and infographic done on Generation Z, we are entrepreneurial. It is thought that on average, close to 70% of high school students want or have wanted to create their own business. At the very least, most Generation Zers want to be the ones calling the shots, instead of being told what to do pertaining to their job.


      2. As a whole, we are more diverse and accepting.

Our generation has been born into a time where it is considered normal to be different. Nearly 1 in 6 marriages today are interracial, and our generation is dating interracially while many generations before wouldn’t have ever thought to do that.  Nearly every single Z knows somebody that is a part of the LGBTQ+ community. We all know that there are different people, with different opinions, and for the most part, we’re ok with that. We don’t always have to agree with the other people’s decisions, but generally, we accept that.


       3. We are extremely tech-savvy.

It’s no secret that if many adults have problems with technology, they go to their kids. We were born into a time where technological innovation was just getting started. We have never known a world without internet, cell phones, or Wi-Fi. Whenever we have a question, we go to the all-knowing Google. Technology is an essential part of our life. However, even though technology is an essential part of our lives, we get pretty tired of adults talking about how our noses are always stuck in our phones. We grew up with technology, the first generation to do that. For us, it’s not strange, and it gets really annoying when we are constantly reminded that we are not like the other generations.


While all of these characteristics are true for most of the Generation Z population, there are some definite points that are being left out. These are things that the older generations have neglected to mention, but that are still important to us. They are an integral part of who we are, and who we aren’t.


       4. We aren’t millennials.

I can’t say this enough. We aren’t millennials. We have different experiences than millennials. We’ve been impacted by events that many millennials may not have. For example, many of us Gen. Zer’s have no recollection of life before 9/11, and as a result, we are used to the heightened security everywhere at airports. We haven’t known a time without it. We also went through the Great Recession. Seeing our parents talk in hushed whispers and seeing some of our friends move away had an impact on us, and as a result, many of us are more money conscious than the millenials. So please, to all you older generations out there, know that we are different, and that we aren’t millennials, for better or worse.


       5. We like things fast and simple.

This one is pretty obvious, and I guess it could go in with the tech category, but I feel as if it deserves it’s own. We need things to be fast and to the point. If the idea is long and drawn out, we quickly lose interest. In fact, according to Sparks & Honey, a website that does reports on culture and trends, Generation Zer’s have on average an attention span of 8 seconds. Not only are our parents taking notice of this, but companies are too. Their commercials and ads are becoming shorter and more to the point. And we like that.


We are an entirely different generation. We have our own experiences that have shaped us. We have our own characteristics that make us who we are fundamentally. Although other generations are just now beginning to take notice of us and our characteristics, we are being changed and have been becoming who we are for many years. We’re here to stay. We are Generation Z.