Tips for juggling high school while having a job
We all know while we are in school, we don’t have a considerable amount of free time. By the time we are in high school most of us plan on getting a job so we can pay for gas, go out on dates, or just have money for ourselves. When you are thinking about applying for jobs, you may not realize how much work it is to juggle work and school.
You need to learn how to budget your time. One way is to consider getting a guided study. If you do have a guided study, use it for its intended use; don’t sleep, work on your homework. When you start doing that you will notice you don’t have to stay up as late trying to rush doing your homework or have a slam study sesh before bed. If you are not in a guided study this year, use Oracle Time to your advantage. OT is a free space in your schedule where you basically have a guided study without giving up an elective. Although OT is only a half an hour long, every little bit of time counts, and you can actually get a good amount of work done in OT.
Another great tip for having a job during school is to communicate with your boss. Make sure your boss knows how many hours you would prefer. Tell them the hours you can work during the school year, and then the hours you can work during summer. This will be very helpful with trying to get homework done and also having time for yourself. Making time for yourself should be of utmost importance. As teenagers, we usually try to cram everything, and become very stressed, and when you add on another thing to cram in, you might explode. So don’t try to work every day of the week, and on your days off you can cool down and relax. This will make your long days at school and long shifts at work seem a lot better and easier when you have a few days off to yourself.
We are only in high school, we have the ability to choose if we are ready to get a job or if we would rather wait. Either way is fine, remember, don’t stress about the money, we don’t need to be millionaires, yet.
Olivia Livingston is a senior at Delphi and is in her first year on the Parnassus staff. She is a swimmer, a reader, and most importantly a writer. In...