As many students and teachers have noticed, there have been some big changes around the school, but mainly the senior mezzanine. If you have a keen eye you can see that the mural on the wall has been changed to be influential people throughout history. Many of these changes are still ongoing such as more work on the mezzanine itself and many more around the school. Some teachers have gotten new carpet and I’m sure they are happy about that new change. For students who have her, Mrs. Griffey has really changed her room up and made some big changes to make sure everyone is able to be in a good mood and feel productive. Schedule changes include staying an 8 period day but introducing homeroom and the new power hours. New faces and returning faces of staff include, Mrs. Ada up top to help out with the counselors, Mrs. Miller to take over C pod and change it up. Taking over the culinary classes is Mrs. McCarty, and she is really cooking it up so far, the new animal and horticulture science teacher Miss. White.
What’s New in the School
Brandon Terrell, Writer
September 11, 2023

About the Contributor

Brandon Terrell, Writer