What we are thankful for
Ahh, November. A time for family and turkey. Pies and stretchy pants. Football and Black Friday shopping. But at the root of it all is the history, telling all of us to be thankful. With just a few days to go before Thanksgiving, we asked some DCHS students and staff what they were thankful for.
Maddie Adams- junior
I’m thankful for my Mom.
Eli Brown- sophomore
I am thankful for technology and how It has allowed me to expand my limits of creativity and make incredible (yet unbelievably dumb) things.
Fayth Jacobs- junior
I am thankful for my family and friends
Katie Campbell- sophomore
I am thankful that I can still walk these endless, winding halls with a smile on my face and show everyone that there is no reason we can’t be happy.
Nathaniel Anderson- junior
I am thankful for my family and friends to surround me in these great times. I’m also thankful that I can have someone that cares for me and is willing to make sacrifices for my well being.
Mrs. Reef- teacher
TIME—we so often say “there isn’t enough time in the day” but time is something we shouldn’t take for granted! :)

Grace is a senior at Delphi and is very excited for her last year of Parnassus. She plays golf, swims, and is an active member of the drama club, SADD...