The love triangle…do I know how long it has been a thing – no! Do I want to – no! All I know about love triangles is that they are stupid. Look, I know there are people out there that like the love triangle trope. All respect to your opinion but to me the love triangle is a stupid attempt at trying to add romantic tensions to a story and adds no interesting characteristics to the characters except their need to feel some sort of fake love only due to their hormones and petty attraction towards one individual. I get people want juicy romantic moments between characters but there is a better way of showing it. Say you have two characters that feel a strong connection between each other, focus on those their connections with each other and the problems and challenges they have to overcome to reach their peace with each other. Do not add a third character that interrupts the connection and development the two have to go through with a messy love triangle that isn’t built up on understanding and acceptance but rather built on selfishness, greed, and lust for someone for their appearance and need for romantic acceptance.
Another aspect of a love triangle is it feels forced instead of natural. It just makes them that much more unnatural compared to a relationship that is built on struggles and hardships. It really shows how pathetic this trope is that people rely on it to add some drama to the show and tension between the characters. If you want to add drama in a show have it with a family member or a close friend that they go through this journey to come to a better understanding of each other. That is what makes a good drama not some unnecessary fake relationship that feels as unnatural as humans having milk for blood.