Public Display of Affection—or PDA—includes physical contact such as intimate touching, cuddling, hand holding, fondling, kissing, etc. We’ve all seen PDA one time or another, whether it’s in school, at a public place, or even on TV. Genuine feelings of affection between people do exist, but that doesn’t mean you should express your feelings towards them during school, or in any public place for that matter. Not only is PDA a distraction, but it’s sickening and uncomfortable. No one feels joy when they see people all over each other.
Being a student at Delphi Community High School has made me realize that PDA has become way too common and comfortable for some people. There should be no reason you feel the need to spring into action with your significant other as soon as you step foot in the building at 8:00 in the morning. I have nothing against relationships and showing affection, but it becomes a problem when you do it in front of me. Every hour of every day, I see multiple kids displaying obnoxious amounts of PDA. I just don’t understand how being away from someone for 45 minutes makes you miss them so much that you feel the need to get a make-out session after every class. I get that some people may not see their partners for certain reasons and they only see each other during school, but it does not mean you need to show everyone what you’re missing outside of school. I also know that you wouldn’t want your parents to see the amount of PDA you perform at school, so why do you think it’s ok for other people to see it? Showing you have no boundaries with PDA shows you have no respect for yourself or others around you.
With that being said, if you don’t see your significant other outside of school, when do you have time to actually talk to them in between sucking their face off every time you see them? There are more appropriate/better ways to engage with your significant other. If you really miss them so much that you can’t hold off during school and you have to touch them then holding hands could be a more appropriate way to show your affection, which also gives you time to actually talk to them.
When you commit acts of PDA not only is it uncomfortable and disrespectful, but it brings a bad message to you. I promise that no one is praising you for canoodling with another student. You’re just going to be known as “that person who does PDA in the locker bay.” PDA shows people that you’re ok with them seeing you express non appealing acts. It gives you a bad reputation not only from students but teachers and parents as well. Is that really the message you want to send to people?
Engaging in these activities during school should not be so common and enjoyable for students. Sometimes people get too caught up in the moment and don’t consider their surroundings, but if someone brings it to your attention or you realize you might’ve gone too far then be responsible, step up, and own up to your actions. Take other people into consideration the next time you think about pouncing onto your significant other and the next time you think about doing something that’s considered PDA say to yourself “would I want my parents to see this?”