The importance of fostering the arts
In recent years, the amount of art being offered in schools has drastically dropped. For instance, in most elementary schools, art classes have been removed. Up until recently, the local Delphi elementary schools didn’t have an art class either. In past years, during the time when students used to focus on drawing or molding clay, they focused on new technology. This change does make sense in our present culture; however, this replacement really puts into perspective how underappreciated arts are in modern society.
In America, kids are normally encouraged to work in “real” fields. These fields of study normally don’t include art. Often times, when a student expresses an interest in art, they are encouraged to find a different path. Nobody wants to encourage painting or drawing as a career because wanting to be an artist is often perceived negatively (everyone has heard the starving artist stereotype). Instead, people tend to push art-loving students towards engineering or jobs that include drawing and creativity. Math and science are the keys to progress; however, art has had a significant impact on human history.
When looking back through history, it is easy to see that art has always been there. The first form of language was drawings. Cave paintings and hieroglyphics were used all over the world as a form of communication. Later on in history, people used paintings to express their dissatisfaction with rulers or church leaders. For example, Michaelangelo painted a saint hiding from the Pope on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Picasso painted pictures of war and suffering. These works have helped us to understand history through accounts other than writing.
Throughout history, art has also been a huge form of worship. For centuries, Christians have been painting and sculpting important Biblical characters. Most churches include at least one painting or statue of Jesus on the cross. Throughout history, Hindu people have created temples to their gods. These temples included statues and paintings dedicated to their gods. Statues and paintings of Egyptian gods have helped us to learn more about their ancient culture. This goes to show how prominent art has been in religion.
Art may not be essential to advancement, but it is a key part of culture. Without art, we have a society with no purpose. Imagine life with no music, paintings, or theater. That is where we are without art. Math and science might be the way to the future, but art is the reason for going forward.

Elyse is a senior at Delphi and is in her third year of Parnassus. She is involved in golf, poms, and tennis, as well as Student Council, InterAct, Quiz...