Grocery store bought cookies are the best
You all know them: the soft, crumbly sugar cookies layered with a delicious, brightly colored frosting that can be bought at basically any grocery store. Some may say that these grocery store bought cookies are gross, but they are completely wrong! These cookies give joy to anyone who eats them.
I understand some people may think they look unappetizing, but does that really matter when they taste like pure happiness? They are perfect for any occasion. Forgot to pick up cookies for a party? Need some fun food for a group hangout? Just staying home and watching Netflix? Well, these cookies are perfect for you! There is never a bad time to eat these cookies. They just appeal to so many age groups. You can give them to children, teenagers, and even adults stuck in a boring meeting who need some great cookies to brighten their days.
As for people thinking they look gross, they really don’t look that bad! They have a wonderful glob of colorful frosting on the top of the soft looking cookie, and atop that colorful frosting and soft cookie, adorable sprinkles. What’s gross about that? Nothing. They even have different themes for holidays, so you can have fun sugar cookies all year round.
So, in conclusion, grocery store bought sugar cookies are the best cookies in existence, and anyone who doesn’t like them is wrong and hates happiness.

Hannah Alexander is a senior in her third year on the Parnassus staff. Hannah is very involved in marching band, pep band, and symphonic band. She is also...