The student has not become the master
Lock the doors! Hide the children! It’s the attack of the schoolwork? Yes, schoolwork. Recently, I have noticed that more and more students seem to have an aversion to doing work. Instead of just doing the work assigned, they have started complaining instead. It is not the job of the teacher to bend to a student’s will, it is their job to teach. School work is not a punishment, it is necessary to help students learn. Teachers do not assign work to be malicious. Homework is supposed to help reiterate what you’ve learned.
I think it’s ridiculous that some students could be so disrespectful to someone that is trying to help them. It might be tedious work, but why fight it? If it will help you do better on a test, or help you in college, then it is worth the effort. Personally, I don’t like to do all the work I am assigned, but I do it anyway because I know it will help me later in life.
This is just high school. For many students, the next step is college. How well do you think you’ll do in college if all you do is complain? Your professors will expect you to just do the work. They don’t want to hear how awful you think the work is, or how dumb you think an assignment is. Our teachers in high school set us up for college and for a career. Everything they assign, for the most part, helps us in some way.
I simply can’t believe that students think that homework is a big enough issue that they have to complain. Is it really worth getting all worked up about? You’re just wasting energy. For example, if a teacher gives you an easy, small 20 point assignment, it’s probably just a grade booster. I’m sure everyone loves to have good grades, so why wouldn’t you take advantage of the easy assignment? There is no reason to yell at the teacher and start a whole loud debate amongst your classmates.
Ultimately, students are not in charge. It is their job to be studious and learn. It is not their place to argue with a teacher. The teacher is going to assign work anyway; there is no point in fighting them. A teacher is supposed to make learning new things easy, and, when it is possible, fun. So it might mean learning vocabulary, or reading a boring science chapter, but it is worth it. This will all lead to students doing better on tests, in school, and maybe even in life. There is no point in complaining. With all the time wasted on complaining, the work could have just been done.

Hannah Alexander is a senior in her third year on the Parnassus staff. Hannah is very involved in marching band, pep band, and symphonic band. She is also...