First of all, I’d like to dedicate this article to all those seniors who are applying to college. It’s an arduous process, I know, but the reward is worth it. The already long process can, however, be elevated to a level of annoyance that is unmatched by any force known to man—the domestic unit.
The mother is a unique character, being a concoction of craziness, angriness, and most importantly, love. No matter what you think, she really always does her best to help you. That aside, at some points, you can swear that lady hates you. I know from experience, and I know how bad it can get.
You come home from practice, you’re worn out, right? So she asks you if you’ve done scholarships already. You are obviously going to answer no, they don’t really start until late November. Before you know it, the fury of Zeus is released upon you. All of these threats of being grounded, the comments about your being lazy, and the rants about your not going to college now begin. You’re mom hates you, right?
After the first instance, it only gets worse. Brace yourself, children, the meaningless arguments are on the horizon. Soon, the constant battle will be in full motion, and you can’t even begin to fathom why it’s happening. It’ll rage for about a month or two, then miraculously disappear.
Maybe it isn’t so miraculous. For me, it seemed to coincide with the submission of my applications. It almost seemed as if a strong wind came and blew away the stormy war that we had going on. With my applications went my mother’s worry about my future, and the stress of her present. It never made sense to me why she hated me for that long, but looking back now, I get it. She really only was looking out for me because she loved me. So next time you’re thinking, “I hate you, Mom,” remember, it will pass. I promise your mother does not hate you.