Sandwich Shop renovations underway

The popular eatery known as the Sandwich Shop is closed for the month of January to update and renovate the building to improve the structural integrity and provide more space for the customers.
Full time cook and owner Pete Circle is looking forward to the much-needed upgrades. He is planning on installing a whole new black ceiling, which will be raised higher than the previous one was. There will also be completely new floors. As for the equipment plan, he is hoping to have a more open kitchen by pushing the grill and work area back against the wall, removing the small hallway. He hopes to add a new fryer as well. Circle said, “This change will not only produce a bigger and more efficient kitchen, but it will make an unobstructed work space, making it easier to provide the best service for our customers.”
Circle also plans on making new seating arrangements, but he is not completely sure what this task entails. He is thinking about extending the bar around the back of the building a bit more. He would also like to push in the front of the bar to make more space for a few small tables in the window area, or possibly some benches. The final plan is yet to be realized, but rest assured, it will still be the same Sandwich Shop everyone knows and loves.

The Sandwich Shop staff and owner are not sure exactly how long the renovations will take, but they hope to be up and running as soon as possible. Chandler Underhill, one of the main cooks at the Sandwich Shop, said, “The best case scenario is that the Sandwich Shop will be closed only for the month of January. It could possibly be extended into the first week of February if unforeseen problems occur.”
The atmosphere and the menu will also remain unchanged. Underhill said, “The Sandwich Shop, once we open again, will operate at the same hours and offer the same delicious menu items that the customers enjoy.”

Elizabeth is excited to be a returning for her second year of Parnassus. She is a senior at Delphi Community High School. She loves walking her dogs, watching...