Clown sightings cause for concern
Recently, there have been many sightings of clowns in California. These clowns have been terrorizing the people of Bakersfield and Wasco. Some of these clowns have had weapons and have chased people around. One reported case was a clown holding a knife, running up to people’s houses.
The police have had a hard time trying to catch all of these creepy clowns. However, the police have made some progress. Last Thursday, the police arrested a 14- year old boy who was dressed as a clown and was chasing small children. The boy was copying a hoax he had seen online. When he was arrested, cops reported that the boy was terrified. They do not believe he was part of the other clown groups. Many people reported seeing a clown carrying a gun. Police attempted to find this clown, but he was gone before the police arrived. Due to many hoax tips, it is difficult for the police to take action.
This is not the first time clown sightings have been reported. Last year, there was a clown standing in places around Northampton, U.K. This clown did not have any weapons, but he certainly did cause a stir. Many residents were shocked to see a clown randomly standing on the street. All the clown did was stand around, wave at people, and sometimes hold a teddy bear. The clown was never identified, but police did have some leads. However, the leads did not help find the clown.
The clowns have not hurt anyone, but they are a concern. The clowns usually just stand in places and stare at people walking by. The farthest a clown has gone is running up to people’s doors and scaring them. Many of these clown sightings were a result of a picture of the “Wasco Clown,” a year long art project of a wife and husband photography group, the rest being copycats.

Hannah Alexander is a senior in her third year on the Parnassus staff. Hannah is very involved in marching band, pep band, and symphonic band. She is also...