Scotland stays with the U.K.
After a tense voting campaign, the question on everyone’s mind has been answered. Would Scotland separate from the United Kingdom? The answer is no. On Sept. 18, Scotland, and other designated areas, voted against making Scotland a separate country from the United Kingdom with over 50% in favor of not seceding.
If Scotland had become its own country, many things would have changed. No one knew if they were going to have their own currency, if they would be in the European Union, or if something as simple as driving licenses would be valid. These are just some issues that were not fully addressed during this voting time, which is one of the main reasons many people did not vote in favor of Scottish independence. However, there are some advantages to Scotland becoming independent. Citizens would have a lot more authority when making decisions, they would have a good hold on the oil market, and Scotland would have a better relationship with England, Wales, and Northern Ireland on a more equal basis.
Scotland not seceding hasn’t really changed anything in the U.K., but some things will change slightly. The United Kingdom has promised to allow more privileges and authority over decisions in Scotland. Being in a part of the United Kingdom gives Scotland more economic security and no jobs will be lost. One of the biggest worries in Scotland becoming independent was that jobs would be lost or more people would leave Scotland. The queen of England reportedly said that she is glad that Scotland is staying with the U.K. Before the vote was reported, former Secretary of State, Des Browne, said, “A vote to leave the United Kingdom is a vote to leave NATO,” which is one of the biggest security alliances in the world. Scotland staying with the U.K. means that many people and families do not need to worry about their daily lives being interrupted.
Even after the vote, many people are still crying conspiracy. A representative of the side for Scottish independence has been trying to get a recount on the ballots. However, many people are thrilled with the way this vote has turned out.

Hannah Alexander is a senior in her third year on the Parnassus staff. Hannah is very involved in marching band, pep band, and symphonic band. She is also...