COVID restrictions for popular spring break destinations
When going on spring break this year, it is important to know the COVID restrictions and regulations that each state has set. Below is a compiled list of popular spring break destinations and their COVID restrictions.
COVID restrictions in Florida are very similar to those here. While in Florida, you should avoid large gatherings and social distance at least six feet. They require you to wear a mask when indoors and in crowds. When exercising, masks are not required. They suggest that anyone visiting should get a flu shot and a COVID test before traveling. They also suggest quaranting for 14 days after returning home.
If travelling to California, they suggest that you self-quarantine for 10 days before and after your trip. Most outdoor parks and beaches are open. The state requires that everyone wears a mask at all times and even suggests wearing a mask in your hotel and car. They also require social distancing with a minimum of six feet. Most of California is yet to be open, so check the status of restaurants, beaches, and stores before you go.
Tennessee’s COVID guidelines are regional, so check for restrictions in the area you are visiting. Statewide, the regulations follow the guidelines set by the CDC. This means that they require face masks in all indoor spaces and suggest social distancing. The CDC suggests getting a vaccine, getting COVID tested, and self quarantining for 10 days before leaving for vacation to another state.
North Carolina
While on vacation in North Carolina, masks must be worn everywhere indoors. People should social distance at least 6 feet. Restaurants are still kept at 50% capacity. Indoor amusement parks and theaters are open now to 30% capacity. Officials suggest getting a COVID test before and after your vacation.
Texas recently lifted all COVID restrictions and regulations. However, the state of Indiana suggests that you should self quarantine for 14 days once returning from vacation.
New York
For people travelling to New York for spring break, they must fill out a Traveler Health Form. This form includes a traveler’s vaccination status and must include a negative test from within the week. Travelers are also supposed to self quarantine for 10 days and receive another negative test while in quarantine. Face masks are required in all public areas and people must have a social distance of at least six feet. Many restaurants and indoor entertainment places are still closed. The state also places a limit on the number of people gathering with a maximum at 10 people. Many attractions such as Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty are not yet open to the public.
Some states differ based on region, so be sure to check the guidelines in the area that you will be visiting. Also, remember to practice healthful habits like washing your hands and wearing your mask the correct way. Have a fun and safe spring break!

Elyse is a senior at Delphi and is in her third year of Parnassus. She is involved in golf, poms, and tennis, as well as Student Council, InterAct, Quiz...