The art of accessorizing: quirky earrings are in style
In the world of fashion, earrings are an incredible way to draw attention to yourself and your outfit in general. Even if they’re not extravagant diamond studs or designer brands, earrings are, in their own special way, forms of creativity and art. Here at Delphi, there’s an abundance of this creativity in the hallways, classrooms, and all around! So let’s take a look at what our staff and student body have on their ears.
Mackenzie Sandusky, a senior, has 2 sets of earrings she adores: a pair of spearmint leaves and a pair of blue turtle dangles. She feels as though the blue turtles fit her the best because of her love of both nature and animals, and blue is her favorite color. She says, “Wearing the turtle earrings is kind of my way to advocate for the environment.” Mackenzie also mentioned that both sets of earrings were good ways to spark interesting conversations, and that she enjoys the compliments she gets in the hallways.
Junior Emma Douglas is a fan of crafting her own earrings. Some of her favorites include a pair of googly eye earrings that she handmade, and a set of skulls that she bought at HorrorHound. HorrorHound is a horror convention where vendors are able to sell items and people can cosplay as horror characters or serial killers. Emma says she mostly makes her earrings because it’s fun, but also buys them from Target or conventions. None of the earrings she has possess any particularly special meaning, but, as Emma puts it, “It’s a fun way to express myself and show off what I can make.” She also mentioned that even if there’s no hidden meaning, her spooky adornments are super cool to wear!
Next up we have Danté Arnett, also a junior. Danté likes to buy his earrings from Amazon and other online shopping sites, but is very interested in making his own earrings. On that note, he plans to start making his own earrings in a few months. His favorites pairs are mini water bottles, fake goldfish in bags of water, and a tiny bottle of oranges. Of his favorites listed, he loves the goldfish the most, saying, “I just really like goldfish.” He stated that there’s no other meaning to wearing his earrings besides liking them and the fact that they help him express his inner creativity.
Finally, we have Delphi’s beloved visual arts teacher, Miss Crowel. Miss Crowel just started her earring collection this year, buying 1-2 pairs after each paycheck as a treat to herself. She usually buys from small businesses on Etsy and Depop because of the amount of work and care that go into the products and packaging (plus little surprises like stickers or candy). She also prowls antique shops and malls with her sister. Her favorite sets include dangles inspired by anime (like Demon Slayer and Haikyuu), minimalistic/floral designs, and small dangles with scenes inspired by Kyoto, Japan. And not only does she buy her ear bling, but she also makes her own. Miss Crowel says, “I remember making shrinky dinks as a kid – when I saw people making them into earrings, it blew my mind!” Her preferred time to perfect her earring-making craft is on the weekends.
I also have my own pairs of unconventional earrings. My most adored pair would be the Eye of Horus’ with crystal dangles attached, with another favorite being curved snakes with spikes on dangles also attached. I got both of these sets from Earthbound, at the Tippecanoe Mall. The Eye of Horus represents protection, good health, and power in Ancient Egyptian mythology, so wearing them when I need an extra boost of confidence is a must for me.
Jewelry of all kinds are a means of self-expression, creativity, and most of all, fun. It doesn’t matter if you buy that one specific pair you’ve been rummaging through every mom-and-pop store in the city for, buy from Amazon or Depop, or even make your own. Interaction with the outside world to make your presence and passions known comes in so many forms, and earrings are just one of the many ways to open that line of communication.

Alyssa Bruner is a senior at Delphi Community High School. She is involved in varsity Quiz Bowl, along with the track and golf teams and kickboxing. She...