PMO Christmas Show is a must-see

The Purdue Musical Organization (PMO) hosted their annual Christmas Show, taking place at the Edward C. Elliott Hall of Music, at Purdue University on Saturday, Dec. 1, and Sunday, Dec. 2.  Each year, the massive Purdue choirs join together, singing their angelic tunes, which they have continued doing since 1933. The show included performances made by the Varsity Glee Club, the Purduettes, University Choir, Heart and Soul, Purdue Kids Choir, All Campus Choir, Community Chorus, and the Handbell Choir.  Each year people from all over the world come to West Lafayette to see this amazing production; and Purdue students prepare over 100 shows every year (the Purdue Christmas Show being just one of them) resulting in a very polished presentation.

The feeling you get while watching can be very moving. Elliot Hall holds a live audience of up to 18,000+ observers, not counting the millions more watching/listening through television and radio so the excitement in the air from the large crowd is noticeably present as soon as you enter the building and continues on from beginning to end.

Within the program they had a variety of performances that stretched beyond just singing.  For example, every year, the handbell choir performs the most beautiful Christmas ballads that is not only pleasing to the ear, but also entertaining to watch due to the constant shuffling of the bells sprawled across the tables, conducted by a dozen performers on the stage.  The orchestra, which doesn’t include college students, also displayed their expertise in between the acts as highlighted by video screens high above the stage. Lastly, they had special guest appearances by astronaut Neil Armstrong, pilot Amelia Earhart, and Purdue founder, John Purdue-all speaking short, comical poems about their attendances at Purdue University.

I have been to three performances of the Purdue Christmas Show, and each one has succeeded in reaching my high expectations.  Every show, though holding the same theme, has enough variety within the program to keep me entertained the entire time, whether it’s through the songs, costumes, sets, or dancing.  I highly recommend attending performances in years to come because the two hour long program is the perfect way to get in the Christmas spirit.