Off with his head?
It has recently been announced that the Queen can supposedly kill Donald Trump with a sword when he is in England and suffer no repercussions. This may seem amazing to many people, but is it true? The answer is—probably not.
The story started out on a British satirical site called “The Daily Mash.” The website is known for its satirical views and stories on current political news. So, the Queen never actually said she was thinking of decapitating Donald Trump. The story circulated quickly due to the fact that many people do not check their sources. “The Daily Mash” is just one of many news sites circulating false information.
Although it is not directly stated, the British government has always been a little fuzzy when it comes to the limitations of the Monarch. It has been heavily debated what the limitations of the Queen should be. Of course in older times, the Queen could decapitate at will, but now because the Queen is more of a figurehead, it has not been fully determined. The police force and all legal forces are supposed to operate under the Queen, making the whole situation very complicated.
Under the 1947 Crown Proceeding Acts, the Queen is subject to civil proceedings. The Queen cannot be tried or arrested, but she could possibly be sued for killing the U.S. leader. She could also face repercussions from Parliament.
So, the Queen may be able to kill Donald Trump legally, but it probably won’t happen.

Hannah Alexander is a senior in her third year on the Parnassus staff. Hannah is very involved in marching band, pep band, and symphonic band. She is also...