How to survive second semester as a high school senior

With only a little over 120 days left in this school year (not that I’m counting), we seniors are feeling senioritis hit us hard. A lot of us will intentionally or accidentally slack off this semester due to the overwhelming feeling that we are almost done with our high school careers. This is the worst time for us to slack off, so here are some tips and tricks on how to survive this oh-so-long-awaited second semester.

Organize your time

With all of the assignments and scholarship deadlines, we seniors need to buckle down and organize all of our time. Plan when you are going to accomplish each task you have. Get assignments done a day before the due date if possible. Do not, I repeat, do not procrastinate.


Do the more difficult assignments first

When we finish the more difficult assignments first, we use our brain power to the max; therefore, if you only have your easy assignments left, you will breeze right through them.


Get enough sleep

I know that as 17 to 18 year olds we shouldn’t be told when to go to bed, and that we all tend to stay up later than we should, but to make sure you give at least 70% of effort this second semester, you should try to stay well rested. You should be getting a minimum of six hours of sleep a night to stay your best. Getting enough sleep will also help with your stress load.


Spend time with your friends

This is our last semester in this building with our friends, whether they are underclassmen or fellow classmates, so spend time together. After we leave, our schedules will be a lot more hectic, and we won’t have as many opportunities to spend time with our friends. Go to the basketball games, go bowling, or go see a movie Just spend time together and make memories that you’ll be able to laugh about at graduation parties or at class reunions 20 years from now.


We have all put in a lot of hours here at Delphi Community Schools. Whether you were an original Delphi student, came from Camden, or moved here somewhere in between, we are all students graduating from Delphi who have spent a lot of time together. However, our time together is dwindling. Let’s make sure we make a few more memories in the time we have left. Let’s make sure we live in the moment instead of the future.