Alaskan library checks out more than books
Taxidermied animals, animal skeletons, and fur pelts -not exactly items you expect to be at a public library. At the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services, ARLIS for short, you can check out books as well as stuffed and mounted wildlife. All you need is a library card. The library even implies due dates on the animals.
So, why would you need these animals? Often, they are used for scientific demonstrations, Boy Scout ceremonies, art installations, and even Harry Potter themed parties. The ARLIS is the only library at the moment where you can check out an animal as easily as you could a book.
On average, about one item a day gets checked out from the library. The pelts are checked out to people with the expectation that they will treat them like any other book or item being checked out. The animal stands and bigger taxidermied animals require the user to sign a statement of responsibility. The more important animals are kept in glass cases at all times.
For the most part, the ARLIS reports that most items come back in perfect, or near perfect, condition. However, there have been a few exceptions. For instance, a Boy Scout camp had to pay hundreds of dollars in damages. Many people have praised the ARLIS collection.The animals, fur pelts, and animal skeletons are a great resource used by many people, and will continue to help educate more people. It has allowed teachers and other educational programs to help children and students become more excited about learning.

Hannah Alexander is a senior in her third year on the Parnassus staff. Hannah is very involved in marching band, pep band, and symphonic band. She is also...