Throughout the years there have been many teachers come and go in the Delphi Community School Corporation. DCHS is fortunate to have teachers who have become very dedicated to our school, and also deeply dedicated to their occupation.
Although every school needs new, young blood on occasion, every good school relies on its seasoned veterans. Mr. Conner has been teaching for 37 years; Mr. German, 28; and Mrs. Carpenter, 27 years. Throughout their years of tenure, they have witnessed many changes – changes in the students, athletics, technology, and education in general.
Mr. Conner said, “We started off in school with simple typewriters, and now everyone has their own personal laptop.” Technology has taken a huge step forward since the beginning of these veteran teachers’ careers. The technology that has begun to take over our educational system has been a bit of a change in the veteran teachers’ lives. Although they did not grow up with this technology they have had a great time adjusting to it and also educating their students with it.
Time has also been very influential on athletic teams. Practices have been stretched, and the amount of days per season have been extended. “Back in the day I think that more kids were given opportunities because the season did not begin until the first day of practice. We never practiced over the summer, or in the off season,” said Mr. German. Athletic teams have been pushed to be better; therefore, a lot has had to change. “There are fewer and fewer three sport athletes as time goes on,” said Mrs. Carpenter
Students throughout the years have been transformed in many ways, not always for the better. Teachers notice a decline in effort and motivation over the years. “The students just don’t want to put forth the kind of effort they used to give 100% of the time. If there were 15 kids in my P.E. class, then 15 of them were going to do whatever they could to win that race. The effort and the drive for silly little things like that just isn’t there anymore,” said Mr. German. The lack of effort is noticed in the classroom as well. “I have noticed a change in the motivation of the students. They choose not to put in the effort that they are capable of,” said Mr. Conner.
Although the efforts of the students have started to diminish, the high hopes and school spirit are a positive change at DCHS. “This is some of the most school spirit I have seen displayed in quite some years. It is amazing,” said Mrs. Carpenter.
Despite all of the changes over the years these amazing teachers are still going strong. They love what they do and they can’t imagine their lives without this phenomenal school corporation.