With the beginning of the new year, change is all around us. The beginning of the year brings people’s new year resolutions, the craziness of work and social life, and the newest demands of the government – it happens whether we like it or not. Change is a natural occurrence in the world. It is one of the many things that drives the world forward. We experience changes in technology, religion, politics and much more.
Think of how the first humans were originally water-bound organisms, but now we’re the most advanced civilization on the planet with our advanced weapons, medicine, and finances. We’ve been exposed to change so much that we don’t seem to acknowledge the impact it has on our everyday lives. For example, the car, it’s an important piece of technology that has contributed to a major aspect of transportation. It started out as a ”three wheeled vehicle powered by a gas engine” in 1886. Sometimes change may seem better or some might say for the worse, because it scares us not knowing what comes next in our lives.
More then eight percent of the US population suffers from depression or a mental health condition but won’t acknowledge or admit it since they don’t want to admit that they need help. Taking that first step is always the hardest in changing your life but it can benefit you in ways you wouldn’t believe. Seeking help with your mental health can help you deal with stress, work, and life more easily. This helps in preventing you from having a mental breakdown or depressive thoughts. Change has always been hard and unpredictable for a lot of us. Many people fear change for the fact that they might be ready for that next stage in life, but the possibility of failure is always present – knowing that one false move could cost you everything, yet also win you everything. It is like flipping a coin; you may experience the greatest change of your life and be the happiest you’ve ever been or things might not exactly go as planned and you have to figure out how to pick yourself up and move forward. Change is different for everyone but that’s what makes it worth experiencing – for the good and the bad.