Everyone knows what a snow day is – that day where the world is covered in that magical blanket of whiteness, reflecting the innocent feeling of wonder you feel as a child when you first witnessed this miracle of weather. A snow day is a classical day in a human’s life – it means endless possibilities such as drinking hot chocolate, not going to school, having to shovel your driveway as well as your neighbor’s driveway. Just like everything else in this world, people’s opinions vary – some good, some bad. Snow days for some people, especially kids and teenagers, mean an escape from that devil of a building that is called school. It is then replaced by a day of staying in bed with your pajamas still on, warm under the covers, not having to feel the dread of waking up and preparing for a gruesome day of despair and depression. Sure, online school work may be assigned to you, but after that the day is yours explore activities such as outdoors with friends which might include sledding and snowball fights. Other options indoors might include binge watching a series on Netflix, talking or gamine online with friends, or reading your current novel along with a friend, or a friend coming over to spend time with you. On the other side of the spectrum, snow days are omens of bad fortune for the day to come. One instance is having to scrape ice off of your windshield and hoping that your engine hasn’t frozen over night. Another such instance is the weather cooperating for you to drive/walk home so that you don’t become stuck in sup-zero degree temperatures and ending up with frostbite or a cold due to those instances. Snow days can also prohibit your certain fields of work such as construction sites and taxi drivers/Uber drivers. Like I said, a snow day is a day of infinite possibilities without limits – the value of it only relies on the perspective of a person.