Hear me out: I’m a feminist
Feminism is the advocacy of equality between genders. Unfortunately, the word feminism has developed a negative connotation. It has become a running joke that feminists are angry women who hate men. However, feminism is merely the simple idea that the treatment of men and women should be equal.
Some Americans see no use for feminism in our society. After all, women can vote, they can own land, they occupy 47% of the workforce, what more could they want?
While these are all positive societal progressions, there are still many laws that are outdated and sexist. For example, in North Carolina, there is a law that states that once intercourse begins, one cannot withdraw consent. Changing this law would benefit everyone; both men and women can be victims of rape. Full consent is only given if there is an option to walk away. In Alabama, Maryland, Minnesota, North Dakota, and New Mexico rapists have parental rights. There are no laws preventing child custody to a rapist. Just imagine being raped and getting pregnant then being forced to share custody with the rapist. That is absolutely senseless.
Sadly, another problem is that first world feminists are often told to relax and be appreciative for the progress that has been made in women’s rights. They are told that at least first world feminists are not oppressed like women in third world countries. A woman in Pakistan was told that she did not need feminism because she was born in the city. As a result, she was not married off to men twice her age. Twenty-one percent of girls in Pakistan are forced to be married off before age 18. A woman who was married off to her uncle at 15 was told that she doesn’t need feminism because her husband doesn’t beat or throw acid at her. This line of thinking that someone will always be worse off, that there is no reason to complain as long as you are not being mistreated—this line of thinking excuses oppression at all levels. This line of thinking must change.
Obviously, feminism is needed. It is needed worldwide. Feminism is about empowerment. It is about empowering women to feel comfortable expressing themselves through words, actions, and clothing. It is about women speaking assertively and not being called a derogatory name. It is about women being paid fair wages. It is about women being able to wear a skirt without the fear of being catcalled.
Yes, let’s go there . . . let’s discuss the way women dress. Some men think there is an unwritten rule: if you show it, I can touch it. Some women agree. Exposed skin is not an invitation. A short skirt or low-cut blouse is not to be blamed for a sexual assault. The only person at fault is the attacker. Women should not have to live in fear of being judged or assaulted based on what they are wearing.
Girls are taught at a young age that their bodies are sexual objects; that they need to covered up in order to avoid lustful looks and actions. Girls are being taught that they are responsible for the actions of others. Shouldn’t we rather be teaching all people to control their urges? Anne K. Ream, advocate for women’s rights and founder of the Voices and Faces project, makes an excellent point:
It’s not a lack of female modesty
But a sense of male entitlement
That leads to sexual violence
And the idea that we women
Can change men’s behavior
By changing our clothes
Is not only disconcerting
It has been debunked
As millions of women know all too well,
No one will ever avoid rape
by wearing a longer skirt
~Anne K. Ream
Unfortunately, one of the main problems with feminism is the extremists. Every group is going to have extreme members. As with any other issue, extremists need to be considered as outliers and should not muddle up the important truths. Most people agree with our right that all people should be treated equally regardless of gender.
Feminism, at its core, is about striving for equality between genders. Think before you laugh at a sexist joke at the expense of another person. Think of your sister, mother, grandmother and aunt. Let’s come together and create a more accepting world for everyone.

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Angel is a senior at Delphi and this is his second year being a Parnassus staff member. His hobbies include running track and being part of the Poms ...
Noah Red Elk • Oct 30, 2018 at 10:26 am
Yes the dictionary definition of feminism is the equality between men and women and in the past it has worked hard to reach that goal. The problem now is that Men and Women have equal rights but now its going too far. What I mean by this is that Feminists are trying to convince women in to thinking they are oppressed for example with the wage gap. The wage gap has been debunked numerous times by Men and Women from all over. Plus if companies truly could save money by hiring women no men would be working. What feminism also fails to realize is that men and women are DIFFERENT. They hate the fact that biologically men are more stronger than women and they hate that men can sometimes do things a woman can’t. The logical reason is that the man is more physically qualified for the job but feminists like to scream sexism. They also like to talk about “rape culture”. Rape culture is a culture in which rape is celebrated and rewarded but in America this couldn’t be further from the case. A single false rape accusation against a man can ruin is reputation and life. Rape is also ILLEGAL. Also no one and I mean no one blames the victim for a rape. Another lie feminists are spreading to think women are out to get them. Feminism now doesn’t empower women it actually belittles them. It is actually feminists who are lying to women saying they can’t do this or that because they are a woman. Men and women have equal rights. We are different physically and mentally but we all have the same rights. Women aren’t oppressed despite feminism telling them so. (This is all me expressing what I think but all and all great article)