Mr.Bradford, the art teacher at Delphi Community High school, has been giving free figure drawing lessons to individuals who are interested in such as passion at the Delphi Opera House. The course has been active since August 14th and is planned to end on September 17th following an art gallery of the drawings the students have picked out to show on a whiteboard in the theater section of the Opera House.
The course focused on being able to lightly sketch the outline of real life figures. The artists then go back and fill in the details of that figure such as the physical features. Mr.Bradford is also teaching the students how to draw hands and how to make them as life like as possible from different points of view whether it’s your own hand or someone else’s.
Even better than the class is the community of artists coming together to share and give feedback on each other’s art. Many students have seen each other’s art and have either laughed by the style of their work or have been intrigued and offered advice on how to improve upon their skills.
I have found this course to be very helpful to me and wanting to improve my drawing skills. Before I started this class, my figure drawing was questionable and I doubted myself as to whether or not I could draw a worthwhile figure. After four classes, I feel more confident in my abilities to draw accurate figure drawings, along with not criticizing myself for every single mistake I make during the drawing process.
Another aspect of this class I enjoyed was feeling more relieved and not as stressed as I am in school. Drawing is a therapy session for me and I could benefit from a therapy session after every school day. I find it helpful that it not only applies to my art skills but also to my mental well being and how I handle emotions.
Mr. Bradford is an amazing teacher to have with his expressive personality, funny similes and impressive skills. If you are interested in one of his classes, I would highly recommend it.
The Opera House will have an open house on Friday, September 20th for the students and their master pieces.