New Upper Room Youth Center in Delphi
Taken by Mia Wilson. Photo of the Upper Room Youth Center.
Upper Room Youth Center (URYC), located at 101 W. Front St. (in the building behind The Blue Moose) is the site of a new, free after school program that runs Monday through Friday from 3:15 – 5:30 p.m. It is a place for high school and middle school students to receive tutoring and mentoring. Students also learn life skills, build relationships, and are rewarded with field trips for receiving passing grades and not having any discipline referrals.
Located in the upper level of the Freedom Center, URYC is equipped with a pool table, air hockey table, board games, and card games. URYC will be installing a coffee and ice cream bar in the near future. Homemade snacks are provided every day. There is also a quiet room for students to complete their homework or receive tutoring if necessary.
In the near future, URYC will also be offering life skills classes. These classes teach students how to cook, repair a car and household items, manage finances, and care for children. Along the way, students will be able to build relationships with the mentors and their peers.
If students are passing their classes and have no discipline referrals, they are eligible to go on planned field trips throughout the school year. There is a field trip once a month. Examples of the trips include going to the apple orchard, exploring Indianapolis, experiencing Purdue games, and volunteering at nursing homes. All field trips are free to URYC members.
Retired and current teachers serve as tutors. Tutors provide services each day until URYC closes at 5:30 p.m. Diverse in all areas of study, they are able to assist with any subject. Mentors are also available the entire time, providing support when necessary.
The Delphi Community School Corporation provides transportation to the Upper Room after school each day on Bus 3. After school, URYC members wait in the cafeteria until bus 3 takes them to the Upper Room. However, students will need a ride home after it closes at 5:30 p.m.
In order to sign up for URYC, students need to get a form from Mrs. Beighler in the guidance office.

Mia is a senior at Delphi and looking forward to her second year of Parnassus. Excitingly, Mia is taking the first semester of her senior year online so...