According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the Autism Spectrum Disorder impacts 1 in every 36 kids in America. Many people think autism makes you stupid or irrational in society, such as screaming or not talking to others when talked to. However, that is simply a stereotype of how society often perceives autism. I should know – I have autism.
In reality, autism is a neurological disorder that affects how a person responds in a crowded area or they have highly sensitive hearing and/or smell. It also impacts a person’s ability to make conversation with another person or form a relationship. Autism can cause an individual to mistake one meaning for another. Another notion associated with autism is that it’s contagious or it means you’re broken. That is simply not true. I’m looking at you – autism speaks. It should not go unheard.
Challenges an autistic individual may have can include struggling in a large social crowd such as school, the mall or a large family gathering. As I mentioned before, people with autism like me have trouble forming friendships or maintaining a conversation with another person. For example,when I’m talking to a person my mind may not be in the same place. Also, those with autism often prefer to play alone rather than play in a group.
A lesser known trait of autism includes collecting items. I have a huge obsession with black pens. Another trait that often occurs is needing time to cool down after being in a social environment. I can relate to this because I often need quiet time after school to collect myself. While social environments can be overwhelming, I also have a tendency to talk on and on about a subject. I can tell you many facts about Nickelodeon’s Avatar the Last Airbender, the 80’s and Nintendo’s the Legend of Zelda series.
Many famous actors, directors and scientists are also autistic. This includes: Tim Burton, the creator of Nightmare Before Christmas, Sir Issac Newton, a major figure in the world of physics, Albert Einstein, another famous scientist, along with Hollywood actor Dan Arkroyd from them Ghostbusters movies.
Sometimes people with autism need special accommodations to help with everyday challenges. For instance, those with autism may need to have headphones to limit the sounds of the world so they don’t get overloaded. They may need a room completely to themselves when they are taking a test or quiz so they can focus and not be overloaded with others in the room. Those with autism approach situations very differently but it may be something as simple as a fidget toy they can play with to help them with their stress. My fidget toy is a black pen I carry everywhere.
Autism isn’t the same for everyone – it varies. One with autism may be totally different than another but that’s just how it works.