Sam Beighler OO

Sam Bieghler plays with the Purdue Pep Band

This week’s senior spotlight features the great opportunity and event that Sam Bieghler was able to have through his hard work and love for basketball. Sam played in the Purdue Pep Band on Dec. 29 at the Purdue vs. Nichols State basketball game. Sam was sent a form through Purdue athletics and all he had to do from there was fill it out and send it back. Once Sam’s application was accepted, he was able to get a behind the scenes look at what game day is like for a member of the Purdue band. He went into the locker room and used the player tunnel to enter the arena. He played his favorite instrument, the alto sax, but the most difficult part of the experience was having to sight read. Sight reading is when a musician has to read music without any time to practice. Besides that, Sam said the game went great. Purdue was able to pull out the win and Sam said he played pretty well. His favorite part of the overall experience was getting to do all of the chants with the band during the game. If you ever want to be in a position like Sam, you have to push yourself to work hard at what you want to do and be ready when the opportunity presents itself.

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