Featured student artist: Anoria Webb

Have you ever had a hobby that you have enjoyed that does not necessarily have to have meaning? Anoria Webb described hers as painting. This is expressed as a way to show off her creativity. Being able to paint is a getaway and ¨a break from stress.” One of her paintings called Caribbean Nights illustrates Anoria’s painting style. For some people, having a healthy escape can be very beneficial. There are ample forms of expressing your creativity such as drawing, painting, or coloring.

Constantly thinking of ways you can express your emotions and creativity through forms of art can be stress relieving as well. It is scientifically proven that if you find interest and passion in doing something, then typically your hardest work is put into it. This can result in personal new expressions of character. No matter what you’re passionate about, the end goal should be that it brings you joy.

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