Elah’s OO
Purdue Choral Festival
On April 13, 2023, freshman tenor Levi Studebaker and junior bass Mason Hart attended the Purdue Choral Festival. They both got to sing alongside other basses and tenors from around Indiana. High schools around the state received an invitation from Purdue Music Organizations to participate in the Purdue Choral Festival. Tenors and basses around the state came together to rehearse and perform three pieces. The Glee Club also performed for the students and answered questions about practicing and auditioning for the Glee Club. Later in the evening, everyone came together and performed for an audience. Ms. Armstrong stated, “I’m always looking for opportunities for students to do music for music’s sake, and not always focusing on contests or performances. When I received this invitation, I thought that it was a perfect way to have our only two high school boys go sing with others that share their voice parts. They now have a better understanding of what they are supposed to sound like, and became motivated and inspired! Next year we will be getting a lot more boys. I can’t wait to take them to this.”