The hidden arts
Many of us fall guilty of limiting the arts to merely music and drawing. But, a lot of us do not realize the other art programs that are looming within our very own high school. Attending the Celebration of Self Through the Arts program that our English department hosted truly opened my eyes about the hidden talents within our school. The culinary arts program is a class that many people see as just cooking. But, students learn measuring, converting, cleaning, baking and pastry techniques, and so much more. This is a program that does not earn its proper “arts” recognition, and it is time to bring light to it. Another arts-based program that is an important part of our overall language arts classes would be speech class. There is nothing quite as powerful as the spoken word. Although there are no instruments or brushes involved, mountains could be moved with the works of art that are prepared in that class as the school year progresses. All in all, it is apparent that we should all widen our horizons to the many different art programs in the school and recognize them for all that they do for our students.