Homecoming spirit days
Everybody looks forward to all the fun and exciting events of Homecoming. Homecoming week is refreshing for the student body because of the change in routine: the pep rally, the show out at Friday’s football game, the dance, and, of course, the dress up days. I understand that we have been told by administrators in the past that our school spirit within our student body is lacking. A perfect way to restore that school spirit is by participating in the wacky dress-up days during Homecoming week.
Many teenagers may think themes such as mismatch day or pajama day are overrated, or may even think those who participate are lame. This mindset needs to change. Have some fun this week. Mismatch those socks, dress like a nerd, break out that crazy black and gold. Embracing the spirit behind the Homecoming dress up days creates a sense of bonding. Clothes don’t always have to be something taken seriously—it can be fun to step out of the social norm, and this week you can support your Oracles while doing so.