Emma & Haleigh OO
Senior Spotlight: Emma Lattimore and Haleigh King
This week’s senior spotlight features our very own girls basketball managers, Emma Lattimore and Haleigh King. Emma and Haleigh have been a dynamic duo for the past three years, but Emma started her managing career when she was a freshman. Emma decided to be a manager to give her something to do over the winter and since she really enjoyed it her first year she decided to stick with it. For Haleigh, it was a different story. As a sophomore, Haleigh and her sister Kaitlyn came to Delphi and were looking to make friends. Haleigh decided that the best way to do that was to be a manager and with that she would get to watch her sister play as well.
Both girls enjoy their role as manager and they love being around the girls and making memories. Haleigh also has a greater passion for game days just like the players themselves. She loves these stressful game days because that is when she gets to do the most for the team. As a manager, it can sometimes be easy for the players to overlook everything they do for the team and they may feel excluded as well, but for Haleigh and Emma, this is not the case.
“I most definitely feel appreciated and a part of the team. The girls always appreciate what we managers do,” said Emma. Being appreciated helps the managers enjoy what they do. Haleigh said, “I would do anything that I need to for the girls and I try to do as much as I possibly can.”
Managers do much more than provide water to the team on game days. They have a long list of duties on a daily basis: filling up and passing out water, running the practice clock, laying out all the jerseys and warmups, making sure all the laundry is in the basket at the end of the night, and making sure the girls have everything they need. With a long list of duties for our dynamic duo, Haleigh’s favorite job to do is run the clock in practice.
Like I said, the girls have lots of things that they have to do for the team, but it is all in good fun when you are working right beside your best friend. So the next time you come out to support the Lady Oracle basketball team, don’t forget about the senior managers who have worked so hard for the past three and four years to get the players ready to play, because without them the system wouldn’t run.