Culinary Arts starts gingerbread house project

Over this past week, Mrs. Nethercutt’s culinary arts classes have started working on their gingerbread house project. This project is about learning to design, bake, and decorate a gingerbread house, and this year, the Advanced Culinary Arts class is able to join in. This project is a month long and focuses on learning skills such as cutting and measuring patterns as well as icing and decorating. According to Mrs. Nethercutt, “The goal of the project is to show students that baking and cooking can be fun, especially when you are being creative.” The gingerbread house project is also a competition. The students are split up into teams, and they are competing for a prize. Ashton Yerkes, a member of one of the Advanced Culinary Arts teams, stated, “I am very confident in my group’s design and I think we have a decent chance of winning.” Within the next month, the gingerbread houses should be displayed in the LMC for voting.

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